Articles by

Robin Rendle

Writer, designer, type nerd.

Chrome Bias (and Finding Things To Like in Firefox)

Chrome has been my default browser for many years now, but I’ve been thinking that my familiarity with just one browser has become a problem. If I tend to design for a single browser, then I’ll start to make assumptions …

Websites We Like: October 2016

Another month, another collection of fascinating websites! Here’s a few that have caught our attention lately.…

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Websites We Like: August 2016

Here are some of the websites we’ve stumbled upon lately that have made us all collectively Oooo and Aaaah with delight. Sometimes we literally type “oooooo” into the Slack channel where we save and discuss these. It’s a fairly new


The writing-mode property changes the alignment of the text so that it can be read from top to bottom or from left to right, depending on the language. For example, let’s say we want to add some text that is …

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Extensible Web Components

Direct Link

Some interesting thoughts from Jeremy Keith about his concerns with Web Components:

Compare Service Workers to web components.

First of all, ask the question “who benefits from this technology?” In the case of Service Workers, it’s the end users. They