Articles by

Robin Rendle

Writer, designer, type nerd.

Websites We Like: June 2016

We have a new thing we’d like to try! We’re going to round up some websites that we like and share them with you. We’ll take a look at the weird and peculiar, the shocking and downright odd; websites that …

Vanilla List

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Vanilla List is a repository of JavaScript libraries; datepickers, form validation and push notifications are just some of the libraries available if you can’t (or don’t want) to a library dependency.…

CSS Modules and React

In this final post of our series on CSS Modules, I’ll be taking a look at how to make a static React site with the thanks of Webpack. This static site will have two templates: a homepage and an about …

(Updated on )


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Josh Buchea has collected “A list of everything that goes in the <head> of your document”. Over 100 <meta> tags alone!…

All or Nothing

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Jonathan Snook takes a look at the all property which can be used like this:

.element {
  all: initial;

The idea is that it should set all properties of an element to initial, removing all custom styling thus …

Reducing JPG File size

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There’s lots of neat tricks for reducing the size of JPGs in this article by Colt McAnlis:

With the Average webpage size now larger than the original DOOM game, you have to start asking where all the bytes are coming