Articles by

Geoff Graham

Read, write, coffee, web, repeat.


The unicode-range property in CSS is used by the @font-face to define the characters that are supported by the font face.…

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Breaking the Grid

Direct Link

If you thought CSS Grid solves issues where overflowed content escaping the confines of a horizontal layout, then think again. Dave Rupert writes up two ways he unintentionally broke outside the grid and how he wrangled things back into place.…


The :any-link pseudo-class in CSS provides a method for selecting elements that are the source anchor of a hyperlink.

If the term source anchor lost you, that’s a fancy name for the href attribute on the HTML elements <a>, …

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The :dir() pseudo-class in CSS allows elements to be selected based on the direction of the language, as determined in the HTML markup. There are really only two directions language can flow in a document, which are left-to-right and right-to-left. …

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The text-justify property in CSS is a companion to the text-align property that is used to set the justification method of text when text-align is set to the justify value.

p {
  text-align: justify;
  text-justify: inter-word;
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A Personal Journey to Fix a Grunt File Permissions issue

I was working on a personal project this past week and got a weird error when I tried to compile my Sass files. Unfortunately, I did not screenshot the exact error, but was something along the lines of this:

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