The Cost of Frameworks Recap

A classic blog-and-forth, my favorite form of internet discussion.

Paul Lewis does some research on the performance of differnet frameworks, pitting each of their TodoMVC versions against one another:

For me the results are pretty clear: there appears to be

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Dear CSS-Tricks Reader, Who Are You?

I’d love to gather some anonymous aggregate information about all y’all who read CSS-Tricks. In part, to help guide upcoming content. Also just because it’s fun and it will be interesting data for us all to look at.…

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Chris Coyier on

Loading Web Fonts with the Web Font Loader

Several years ago the consensus on font loading in the community was that, as a website loads, all fonts should be hidden until the correct resources have been downloaded. Many designers and developers argued that the default font loading method …

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Robin Rendle on (Updated on )