Articles by

Chris Coyier

Founder, writer, designer, spam-deleter, email personality


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Monica Dinculescu:

I don’t want every possible padding and margin and colour and flexbox configuration in the world. I just want the ones that I know I end up using in every project. So here is monica.css: my

Direct link to the article Solving Sticky Hover States with @media (hover: hover)

Solving Sticky Hover States with @media (hover: hover)

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Mezo Istvan does a good job of covering the problem and a solution to it in a blog post on Medium. If you tap on something that has a :hover state but you don't leave the page then, on a mobile device, there is a chance that :hover state "sticks." You'll see this with stuff like jump-links used as tabs or buttons that trigger on-page functionality.

Listen to your web pages

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A clever idea from Tom Hicks combining MutationObserver (which can “observe” changes to elements like when their attributes, text, or children change) and the Web Audio API for creating sounds. Plop this code into the console on a page where …