CSS-Tricks Chronicle XXI

As I write I’m half way through my month-long stay at Hilton Head Health. I like coming here to keep my weight in check. I hope to break some personal records while I’m here this time. It’s also been …

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CSS-Tricks Chronicle XX

I thought for this edition of Chronicle I’d focus on some web stuff that I’ve been enjoying lately. …

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CSS-Tricks Chronicle XVIII

Lots of stuff happening lately and far too long since I’ve done a Chronicle! Where I’ve been, where I’m going, things I’ve done, things I’m doing, etc.…

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CSS-Tricks Chronicle XIV

I live to hail that season by gifted one foretold, when men shall live by reason, and not alone by gold.
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CSS-Tricks Chronicle XIII

> go east > You see a beautiful grassy field. > set up camper > You camper is now set up [roundtime: 18 seconds] > sit down
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CSS-Tricks Chronicle XII

SITEOWNR: Thers new ifnormation inthe site foryou. (puts on sunglasses). STRETEMAN: yesyes Im hapy !
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CSS-Tricks Chronicle XI

A brief summarization of the events that have been and events that are to be. Wherein ‘events’ refers literally to physical events as well as figuratively as in ‘some kind of thing that happened, loosely.’
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