Direct link to the article #170: Watch an Amateur Spin Up a React + Babel + Webpack + CSS Modules Project

#170: Watch an Amateur Spin Up a React + Babel + Webpack + CSS Modules Project

Fair warning! This isn’t a speedy, straightforward, expert-driven plow-through of how to set up these technologies. Although, by the end, we do successfully get it all going. This is about documenting the real-world experience of doing this kind of work. …

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Direct link to the article React’s Experimental Suspense API Will Rock for Fallback UI During Data Fetches

React’s Experimental Suspense API Will Rock for Fallback UI During Data Fetches

Most web applications built today receive data from an API. When fetching that data, we have to take certain situations into consideration where the data might not have been received. Perhaps it was a lost connection. Maybe it was the …

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Direct link to the article Intro to React Hooks

Intro to React Hooks

Hooks make it possible to organize logic in components, making them tiny and reusable without writing a class. In a sense, they’re React’s way of leaning into functions because, before them, we’d have to write them in a component and, while components have proven to be powerful and functional in and of themselves, they have to render something on the front end. That’s all fine and dandy to some extent, but the result is a DOM that is littered with divs that make it gnarly to dig through through DevTools and debug.
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