Articles by

Chris Coyier

Founder, writer, designer, spam-deleter, email personality

Viewport Sized Typography

There are values in CSS that are for sizing things in relation to the viewport (the size of the browser window). They are called viewport units, and there are a number of them that do slightly different (all useful) …

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ShopTalk Episode 16

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Dave and I were joined by Ian Stewart, a Theme Wrangler at Automattic for (he’s probably thinking about WordPress themes right this very minute). We talked about WordPress multisite, training clients in WordPress, database syncing, team productivity, and more.…

Conditional Content via CSS Media Queries

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Jeremy Keith has a great article on his journey to allowing JavaScript to load in content based on the currently active media query. This allows you to keep media queries only in the CSS (DRY!).

The article was sans-demo, so …

Transitions Only After Page Load

If you’ve ever used CSS transitions on structural elements on your page, you may have noticed a case where you see that transition happen when the page loads and is laying itself out. …

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ShopTalk Episode 15

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Dave and I were joined by Happy Cog front enders Jenn Lukas and Allison Wagner and we talk about coding styles, memorization, and the classic “what should we learn next?” This episode was sponsored by the online time tracking tool …

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Fighting the Space Between Inline Block Elements

A series of inline-block elements with "normal" HTML formatting result in spaces between them when set on the same line. Here's some techniques for fighting against the gap.
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Detect Gists and Embed Them

Just post a link to a GitHub Gist and it will be nicely embedded. Or use the format this snippet provides and create the shortcode yourself. For your functions.php file:

// [gist id="ID" file="FILE"]
function gist_shortcode($atts) {
  return sprintf(

Triangle With Shadow

You probably already know you can make triangles with CSS. But what if you want to put a shadow behind it? Unfortunately the classic border trick doesn’t change the shape of the element, it’s just a visual trick. Let’s …

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Refactoring >14,000 lines of CSS

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Eugene Fedorenko talks about how Beanstalk refactored the whole app to use SASS. I’m sure a lot of folks are in this situation right now. You want to use SASS, but you have a big app and it’s a big …

Fred Boyle’s Code Challenge

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Between now and the end of May 2012, code a small project using a language or environment that’s new to you or that you’ve only casually messed around with.

The CSS3 Experience

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Soak in a little An Event Apart without leaving your house. Dan Cederholm (you know, the other banjo playing CSS guy) with an hour talk on responsible and enhancement-based CSS3 use.…