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  • #42113

    Hey guys,

    I’m currently redesigning my logo and as I’ve been staring at all the different variants for many hours now, I just wanted to get a bit of feedback on my latest one to see how people like/dislike it.

    [Here it is.]( “”)

    I appreciate any constructive feedback, thanks :)


    Not a bad start. A few things I noticed is that you’re applying shadows where they don’t need to be placed (‘t’) and somewhat incorrectly. I would also change the letter placements (basically opposite of what they are now). Additionally, I would probably go with an alternative typeface on “WEBDESIGN” and “WORDPRESS”. Preferably a slab serif.


    Thanks Chris,

    I guess with letter placement you mean that U should be above N, N above E and so forth?
    For the “webdesign” and “wordpress” I wanted to use a webfont so I can later use the real typeface on my website. Any suggestions for nice slab serif webfont? It is Droid Sans at the moment.

    EDIT: I tried Museo Slab as a typeface which I think fits not too bad in there. But I’m still not really sure about those shadows. I got two variants [here](


    I’m not sure I can quite read it. Is it “uneart?


    Like @jshjohnson, I’m going to disagree with myself also on the letter placement. The top looks better.

    Hmm. You might want to try small-caps for “WEBDESIGN” and “WORDPRESS” since the cap-height seems too much compared to the above lettering.

    There are kerning issues (see ‘e’ compared to the rest) but I think if you fix that it will be even more illegible. The shadow needs to be worked on as well.


    @TheDoc that is correct, but I guess readability might be a problem.

    I noticed that the ‘e’ is not positioned correctly in terms of kerning but when it is, the whole thing is illegible like you said. Sometimes I feel like I have no clue about typography at all. I just play around with it until I think it looks right.

    Oh man… this one’s gonna be tough



    > I just play around with it until I think it looks right

    That’s a process of typography. You might want to think about joining these letters into a script. It may produce a more legible result.


    @chrisburton Do you mean just merging the letters into each other or can you explain that script idea a bit more? I tried merging U and N before cause they share the same vertical line but it was even less legible.


    Connecting the strokes is what I’m referring to. Did you draw this? There’s one logo in my head that would be a perfect example for me to show, if only I could remember the exact site.


    I sketched it out on paper and then just grabbed the pen tool in Illustrator and drew it, yes. I had something like [this]( “”) but I think the U and N are not seperated enough to be legible.


    You could try putting a tail on the ‘u’ and extending that into the shoulder of the ‘n’.


    While I agree with the others that details are highly important, my piece of critique goes another direction: I can’t read the name. “Uneort”? “Uneart”? “Unemt”?

    After seeing the original concept I was able to get it but as it is I couldn’t read it. I think you need to tweak the letterforms, especially the A.


    Hmm. I don’t see an ‘m’ in any of the examples.


    @chrisburton Well I tweaked around a bit trying to merge the letters in a better way. But I’m not sure it got better… [There you go]( “”)

    Thanks for your comment. I’m aware of the readability problem, can’t figure out a good solution so far.


    @uneart I like the original better than that example. I think if you give some of the appropriate letters a tail, you can connect them there. That might help the legibility.

    You could even try giving the letters a white stroke, expand the appearance and then Cntrl + Click on the stroke and trim it.

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