Articles by

Chris Coyier

Founder, writer, designer, spam-deleter, email personality

Nested & Expandable Folders

This was a demo originally by Martin Ivanov, utilizing hidden checkboxes and adjacent sibling combinators to set the “state” of each folder. The live demo has since fallen off of the internet, so I’ll post a copy of it here, …

(Updated on )

PageVisibility API

      <script type="text/javascript">  
           timer = 0;  
           function onLoad(){  
                document.addEventListener("webkitvisibilitychange", stateChanged);  
                document.addEventListener("msvisibilitychange", stateChanged);  
           function stateChanged(){  
                if(document.hidden || document.webkitHidden || document.msHidden){  
                     //new tab or window minimized
                     timer = new Date().getTime();  
                else {  
                     alert('You were away 

Yes/No Ipsum!

I’ve heard a number of people make statements lately like: “If you’re using Lorem Ipsum text, just stop it.” Or similar. That argument, expanded, goes something like this. Design exists to serve content. Lorem ipsum is fake content. If you’re …

The Future, Glassy?

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Bret Victor:

Now, take out your favorite Magical And Revolutionary Technology Device. Use it for a bit.

What did you feel? Did it feel glassy? Did it have no connection whatsoever with the task you were performing?

CSS3 Secrets

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I bet there is a couple things in this slide deck from Lea Verou that you didn’t know about CSS3.…


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Mac users, this is really worth checking out. As you work on local projects, you have your HTML and CSS open in your text editor of choice, and the web page open in a browser. With LiveReload, as soon as …

jQuery 1.7 Released

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You’ll probably start seeing .on() and .off() on tutorial sites so just a heads up, that’s new syntax for event binding in jQuery (although all the old methods still work too).…

Columns and the Greatest Common Divisor

I was recently putting together some CSS for columns. There was a few pre-determined widths that the columns needed to accommodate. For whatever reason (maybe because every grid framework in the world is this way) my mind went right to …

#103: Integrating FitVids.js into WordPress

The default WordPress theme at the time of this screencast is TwentyEleven, a wonderfully simple and responsive design. That is, until we post an awesome YouTube video as a new blog post and the responsiveness breaks down. The video doesn’t …

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Five Questions with Lea Verou

Lea is a front end web developer from Greece. You have likely heard of her, as ever since she started blogging in English (read more about that below), she’s had quite a boom in popularity. Or perhaps you’ve seen some …

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