Articles by

Chris Coyier

Founder, writer, designer, spam-deleter, email personality

A Call for ::nth-everything

We already have ::first-letter and ::first-line which are useful. Why not expand those out into a full set of selectors that follow the same pattern of the ::nth-child family? I attempt to make the case here.
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Centering in the Unknown

When it comes to centering things in web design, the more information you have about the element being centered and its parent element, the easier it is. So what if you don’t know anything? It’s still kinda doable.…

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Lots of Ipsum

There is just too many awesome Lorem Ipsum (placeholder) text generators going around lately not to round them up. …

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HTML5 for Web Designers Website

Direct Link

The content of HTML5 for Web Designers, the first A Book Apart book by Jeremy Keith, is online. Under the hood, the title bar at the top of the page is actually the <title> element, unhidden and styled up. …

What We Don’t Know

There is an awful lot we don't know about a user visiting our website. For example, almost everything. And we know less and less every day as the web gets bigger and its users more diverse. Let's accommodate those unknowns.
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Abbr’s for Web Nerd Acronyms

I’m really lazy about using <abbr></abbr> tags for acronyms. Most people who read a techy blog like this probably understand them, but surely there are some visitors who don’t where a simple tooltip explanation would be beneficial. Maybe with this …

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Make Archives.php Include Custom Post Types

Archives.php only shows content of type ‘post’, but you can alter it to include custom post types. Add this filter to your functions.php file:

function namespace_add_custom_types( $query ) {
  if( is_category() || is_tag() && empty( $query->query_vars['suppress_filters'] ) ) {
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