The Eighth Fourth

It just so happens the United States birthday is the same as CSS-Tricks birthday! It was on this day, eight years ago I first launched the site. Since then, I do a bit of a commemorative post each year. …

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Native CSS Scroll Snap Points

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The newly-introduced CSS “snap points” properties could make it a whole lot easier to create CSS-only scroll effects (once browser support catches up). This post from Sergey Gospodarets’ blog includes demos of snappy scrolling for image galleries and full-page vertical …

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The Last Word on Helvetica?

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If you’re going to co-opt an opinion on Helvetica, you’d do well to take John Boardley’s.

So rather than hate a typeface, why not channel that energy into loving another.

Might as well poke around the redesign while you’re …

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Why availability matters

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GIFs from Stuart Langridge demonstrating that a tiny percentage of visitors that can’t view your site isn’t just a static minority, it’s a scattered minority.

It’s not 1% of people who always can’t see your site and 99% of people

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