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Home Forums CSS what are your thoughts on vanilla as opposed to phpbb etc…?

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    hi guys,

    i used to use phpbb and it’s a bit clunky. when css tricks moved to vanilla i jumped over and put them on my sites too.

    i now have two sites with vanilla. but i have had comments like “you should get a real forum”… suggesting that people actually want to use a forum like phpbb which is old skool.

    you and i know that vanilla is lighter weight and cooler. and as chris mentioned, he’s got more people on the forum since swapping over. but do people really want it? (people other than web designers!!!)

    i have found that people don’t really like it unless they are geeks like me… and i know we are supposed to be pushing things forward but i think it’s kinda holding my community back instead.

    what do you guys think about it? i am not trying to create an argument or anything. but i have read reviews as well which don’t really rate vanilla that highly. now that the dust has settled on chris’ forum change do you think vanilla is actually the best forum software?


    Chris Coyier

    What can phpBB do that Vanilla forums can’t, should be the question. I haven’t found limitations with Vanilla. There are tons of plugins for it.


    yeah it just doesn’t look like a real forum though does it… you know.. people like the look and layout of phpbb cos it looks like how people imagine a forum to look like.

    vanilla looks more like a notice board. it doesn’t look as meaty. and that is why designers love it (and i am not knocking it at all)… but i think the average guy online would prefer the look of phpbb.

    i am thinking of swapping back to phpbb because most people aren’t ready for it in my opinion.

    Chris Coyier

    I think Vanilla looks more clean and organized compared to phpBB. Having forums looking the same for so long is probably why people don’t like the change. But change is good.


    yes you are right… so u think we should push on through until they realise?

    Chris Coyier

    I think your site reflects you. If you like something, go for it. Look at Chris Coyier’s new design, a lot of people hate it but Chris loves it and yet they still come back.


    From Joe Dirt:

    “It’s not about what you want, it’s about the consumer.”

    It’s really about your audience. I just helped rebuild a site and we made our forum from scratch. Custom look and functions. Not 1 complaint about them yet even though it doesn’t look anything like phpbb. It’s because the target audience of the site doesn’t care what the forums look like, a forum is a forum to them.

    However, if your audience is different, and they Do care what look your forum has, then it’s a judgment call on your end. Go back to how things were or force them to adjust.

    Maybe you should post a list of reasons why you switched and/or what new featured the vanilla forums have over phpbb if you haven’t yet already.

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