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Home Forums JavaScript Trying to animate a working gun. Please help!

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    I vectored a gun and saved it as 6 files. Now I need to code them to move so the gun can fire when someone scrolls.

    I’m using Superscrollorama to power the animation. If you’re not familiar, it is in-turn powered by the Greensock tweening engine.

    Here’s what I have so far: Example

    Here is my code:

            $(document).ready(function() {
                var controller = $.superscrollorama();
                //individual element tween examples
                controller.addTween('#trigger', TweenMax.fromTo( $('#trigger'), 1, {css:{rotation: 0}, immediateRender:true}, {css:{rotation: 40}, ease:Quad.easeInOut}), 300, 200);
                controller.addTween('#hammer', TweenMax.fromTo( $('#hammer'), 1, {css:{rotation: 0}, immediateRender:true}, {css:{rotation: -25}, ease:Quad.easeInOut}), 300, 200);

    I need to create a timeline (rather than an individual tween) that makes the hammer snap to rotation:0 after it gets to rotation: -25. In other words, I need to learn how to give each element multiple animations in succession.

    The superscrollorama site has some documentation but everytime I try to pull this off, I fail.

    Can anyone help? I VERY MUCH appreciate it.


    No need to create a second discussion for it:

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