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  • #33933

    Hey guys

    Ive been reading a lot about responsive webdesign, i was wondering what the general community felt about it and if this is where the industry is going? I have mixed feelings about it but im not sure if they are justified. im just interested in what you guys have to say about it.


    I think it’s great and I think it will be used more and more. What don’t you like about it?


    There is a contest at 10K Apart on responsive web design, check out some of the submissions to better understand why it’s so great! I’d submit something if I can come up with a good idea, and make it under 10k ;)


    My problem with fluid layouts in general is that you may want to design something specific and you may not want it to move around, for example form fields i feel should be fixed as when they are fluid and move look silly on larger screens. But i have to be honest as i write this my head is also telling me that the web isnt a fixed environment and sites should be designed in that context. i dont know i guess im used to fixed and fluid sites always seem to look wrong to me some how :D

    Chris Coyier

    I feel like:

    design something specific and you may not want it to move around

    is a fairly reasonable feeling to have. You aren’t forced to used responsive design but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. Imagine your site on a mobile phone – is it perfect the way it is? probably not. Imagine your site on a giant monitor – could you have used that space better? probably.

    If something “looks silly”, then use your mad designer skillz to desillify it.


    thanks for feed back guys, I guess its about the brief and not so much the technology. Thanks again guys :)


    I wonder if there will ever come a point where we start with a mobile design and then design for larger screens.


    Well with growing trends there was some stats that by 2014 mobile will take over desktop so it is possible, funny thought :)

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