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Home Forums CSS Links in Navigation bar do not work

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  • #280209

    I am trying to convert a template and I need a navigation bar that is on my main page to match and I pasted what I thought was the appropriate code and the navigation icons and text show, but the hover over and links do not work.
    Here is the link to the code. I am sure I have it all messed up so excuse the mess I made…lol


    You seem to have dropped your whole codebase in there. We only need the part that isn’t working/displaying as desired, otherwise folks here browsing the forum in there spare time won’t take a second look. It takes us too long to filter out all the extra distractions so we need you to do that for us. That means stripping back the code to just the minimal amount of HTML, CSS and JS to illustrate the problem. Help us to help you.

    the hover over and links do not work.

    Please also be clearer about what exactly doesn’t work. We know that something doesn’t work otherwise you wouldn’t be here. Instead describe exactly what and how something isn’t working as desired, and also describe what you think it ought to be doing or looking like instead. You may need to provide a diagram.

    Some general tips;

    I see there are links to a series of JavaScript files in the HTML. They won’t work in the CodePen because they are linked locally. If you are demoing something related to those scripts that you need us to see, you should link them via the JS pane settings in CodePen.
    In your web page on your own web host, make sure they’re uploaded, and to the location specified. Be aware that some scripts will only work online, so if you’re testing locally on your home computer, it could be that you just need to test online to see something functioning properly. You can use the developer toolbar to check for JavaScript errors – that’s F12 in most browsers.

    Also check letter-case, in all asset paths, filenames and extensions, and make sure that whatever they’re actually called, is what’s typed in your code. Windows isn’t a case-sensitive environment but Unix is. It’s common for new developers to start making a website on a home Windows computer (where everything works fine) and then they upload to a web host, but because most webhosts use a Unix OS, their code breaks there. Assets/Images/Photo.JPG isn’t the same as assets/images/photo.jpg. Again, the developer toolbar can help you in cases like these as it can show you what assets are and aren’t loading. So if a menu is relying on a JS file that is named/coded differently, and therefore not loading, this could be the cause of your woes.

    Good luck with your project.


    Thanks for your response. I found the problem when I was parsing the code and deleting elements that were not relevant.

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