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Home Forums CSS Letter spacing issue in Chrome

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    I have a situation. In a few words, letter-spacing css property I think that is messing around in the last stable version of Chrome 45.0.2454.85 m (64-bit) and I can’t deal with this:

    Version 44.0.2403.155 (64-bit)

    Version 45.0.2454.85 m (64-bit)

    The strange thing is that I’ve made a simulation in codepen using letter-spacing css property, that looks fine in old/new Chrome versions, could be other triggers generating this issue?
    Codepen here

    Live link here. Any thoughts? Thank you,


    Assuming you don’t want to change the max width of the container, simply putting a letter-spacing of -40px on .logotext-d puts it all on 1 line. Text wraps past ~855px screen width, but based on how the logo is laid out in general, that doesn’t seem to be a concern.


    Thank you for your feed-back, indeed it works all letters are all on 1 line but, the letters are not placed close to eachother, the negative letter-spacing css property is still ignored in v45.0.2454.85.

    LE: could be something related to a possible update that was made to the following property in Chrome
    @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) ?
    If I change the 0 value with 2 for example, it’s almost like it should be except the distance between the first two letters.


    Seems to be a known issue, as you have mentioned. One hack-ish way to fix it until the chrome bug is fixed is to simply put a negative margin on each of the letter spans – it will have the same effect as negative letter spacing. Hope chrome resolves the issue quickly.

    Margin-left: -10px seems to give the appearance you are looking for.


    Thank you all, good to know, I really appreciate it. @mhodges44 Btw, where did you have read about this issue? I mean, It’s a confirmed bug?


    Add this to the css:

    .logo { white-space: nowrap; }

    This will prevent the letter wrapping, but if the browser window gets too narrow, it will add a horizontal scroll bar.


    Good to know, thanks; btw, this will not solve the unwanted space issue of Chrome v45 inserted between letters.


    @Shikkediel Could you be so kind and post a print screen please with the logo area? thanks


    Codepen looks fine in my side too including v45 Chrome 64-bit. How about live link?

    Plese take note:
    At this moment the code is updated with mhodges44 solution. In Chrome console, Sources
    /wp-content/themes/notio-wp/assets/css/selection.php?id=35, If you remove margin-left: -10px; /* update for Chrome 45 issue */ css lines, u should notice the issue.

    Could you be so kind and post ur Chrome 45.0.2454.85 m 32-bit screenshot? Thanks


    That’s it :) When you said “All seems to work fine on a 32-bit W7 machine with latest Chrome.” I thought that is fine in 32-bit but as we can see, is not.

    all clear now, without mhodges44 solution margin-left: -10px is not working at all (even in 32 bit v45); Thank you.


    True, I suppose that being implemented in WordPress could be a reason;

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