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Home Forums Back End ImgBrowz0r, WordPress. & gallerys

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  • #28696

    Hey guys, using screencast #64 and the Imgbrowz0r vs wordpres v2 I was able to get it installed and working on my wordpress install. What I’m having trouble with is when I click on a gallery ie. disneyland, the page no longer has the wordpress theme dictating what it looks like. In installing it how I wanted I changed some titles of the files that comes with ImgBrowz0r.

    gallery.php (use to be index.php that came with imgbrowz0r)

    1024; $i++)
    $size /= 1024;

    return round($size, 2).’ ‘.$units[$i];

    function get_microtime($microtime=false)
    if ($microtime === false)
    $microtime = microtime();

    list($usec, $sec) = explode(‘ ‘, $microtime);
    return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);

    $start_timer = microtime();

    // Include class
    require ‘imgbrowz0r.php’;

    // These are all settings (set to default). The settings are not validated since you have to configure everything.
    // There is a chance that ImgBrowz0r stops working if you enter the wrong values.
    $config = array(
    // Directory settings. These are required. Without trailing slash. (required)
    ‘images_dir’ => dirname(__FILE__).’/gallery’,
    ‘cache_dir’ => dirname(__FILE__).’/cache’,

    // Url settings. These are required. Without trailing slash. (required)
    // %PATH% is replaced with the directory location and page number
    ‘main_url’ => ‘’,
    ‘images_url’ => ‘’,
    ‘cache_url’ => ‘’,

    // Sorting settings (optional)
    ‘sort_by’ => 3, // 1 = filename, 2 = extension (png, gif, etc.), 3 = inode change time of file
    ‘sort_order’ => false, // true = ascending, false = descending

    // Thumbnail settings (optional)
    ‘thumbs_per_page’ => 20, // Amount of thumbnails per page
    ‘max_thumb_row’ => 4, // Amount of thumbnails on a row
    ‘max_thumb_width’ => 200, // Maximum width of thumbnail
    ‘max_thumb_height’ => 200, // Maximum height of thumbnail

    // Time settings (optional)
    ‘time_format’ => ‘F j, Y’, // Date formatting. Look at the PHP date() for help:
    ‘time_zone’ => 0, // Timezone. Example: 1
    ‘enable_dst’ => false, // Daylight saving time (DST). Set this to true to enable it.

    // Misc settings (optional)
    ‘ignore_port’ => false, // Ignore port in url. Set this to true to ignore the port.
    ‘dir_thumbs’ => true, // Show a thumbnail in a category box. Default is false.
    ‘random_thumbs’ => true, // Use random thumbnails for categories. Default is false.
    ‘read_thumb_limit’ => 0 // See README for information about this setting.

    // Start the class
    $gallery = !isset( $mypath ) ? new imgbrowz0r($config) : new imgbrowz0r( $config, $mypath );

    // XHTML stuff


    // Generate navigation and statistics
    $gallery_breadcrumbs = $gallery->breadcrumbs();
    $gallery_pagination = $gallery->pagination();
    $gallery_statistics = $gallery->statistics();

    // Display description of the current directory (optional).
    if (!isset( $mypath ))
    echo $gallery->description();

    // Display navigation
    if (!isset( $mypath ))
    echo ‘

    ‘, “nt”, $gallery_breadcrumbs, “nt”, $gallery_pagination, “nt”, “n”, ‘

    ‘, “nn”;

    // Display images and directories
    echo $gallery->browse();


    The etphonehome id is for a link back to the main site until I can get this to work.


    GD is not enabled!


    # set my raw path
    $this->my_raw_path = $my_raw_path;

    // Set configuration
    $this->config = array(
    // Directory settings
    ‘images_dir’ => isset($config[‘images_dir’]) ? $config[‘images_dir’] : exit(‘You have to set the full path to the directory with images!’),
    ‘cache_dir’ => isset($config[‘cache_dir’]) ? $config[‘cache_dir’] : exit(‘You have to set the full path to the cache directory!’),

    // Url settings
    ‘main_url’ => isset($config[‘main_url’]) ? $config[‘main_url’] : exit(‘You have to set a main url!’),
    ‘images_url’ => isset($config[‘images_url’]) ? $config[‘images_url’] : exit(‘You have to set the url to the directory with images!’),
    ‘cache_url’ => isset($config[‘cache_url’]) ? $config[‘cache_url’] : exit(‘You have to set the url to the cache!’),

    // Sorting settings
    ‘sort_by’ => isset($config[‘sort_by’]) && in_array($config[‘sort_by’], array(1, 2, 3)) ? $config[‘sort_by’] : 3,
    ‘sort_order’ => isset($config[‘sort_order’]) && $config[‘sort_order’] === true ? SORT_ASC : SORT_DESC,

    // Thumbnail settings
    ‘thumbs_per_page’ => isset($config[‘thumbs_per_page’]) ? $config[‘thumbs_per_page’] : 12,
    ‘max_thumb_row’ => isset($config[‘max_thumb_row’]) ? $config[‘max_thumb_row’] : 4,
    ‘max_thumb_width’ => isset($config[‘max_thumb_width’]) ? $config[‘max_thumb_width’] : 200,
    ‘max_thumb_height’ => isset($config[‘max_thumb_height’]) ? $config[‘max_thumb_height’] : 200,

    // Time settings
    ‘time_format’ => isset($config[‘time_format’]) ? $config[‘time_format’] : ‘F jS, Y’,
    ‘time_zone’ => isset($config[‘time_zone’]) ? $config[‘time_zone’] : 0,
    ‘enable_dst’ => isset($config[‘enable_dst’]) && $config[‘enable_dst’] === true ? 1 : 0,

    // Misc settings
    ‘ignore_port’ => isset($config[‘ignore_port’]) && $config[‘ignore_port’] === true ? true : false,
    ‘dir_thumbs’ => isset($config[‘dir_thumbs’]) && $config[‘dir_thumbs’] === true ? true : false,
    ‘random_thumbs’ => isset($config[‘random_thumbs’]) && $config[‘random_thumbs’] === true ? true : false,
    ‘read_thumb_limit’ => isset($config[‘read_thumb_limit’]) && is_numeric($config[‘read_thumb_limit’])
    && $config[‘read_thumb_limit’] >= 0 ? $config[‘read_thumb_limit’] : 0

    if ($this->config[‘random_thumbs’] === false)
    $this->config[‘read_thumb_limit’] = 1;

    public function init()
    // Get current url
    $protocol = !isset($_SERVER[‘HTTPS’]) || strtolower($_SERVER[‘HTTPS’]) == ‘off’ ? ‘http://’ : ‘https://’;
    $port = $this->config[‘ignore_port’] === false && (isset($_SERVER[‘SERVER_PORT’]) && (($_SERVER[‘SERVER_PORT’] != ’80’
    && $protocol == ‘http://’) || ($_SERVER[‘SERVER_PORT’] != ‘443’ && $protocol == ‘https://’))
    && strpos($_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’], ‘:’) === false) ? ‘:’.$_SERVER[‘SERVER_PORT’] : ”;
    $current_url = urldecode($protocol.$_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’].$port.$_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]);

    // Regex
    // ExternalFilePath-hack by Krinkle
    if( is_null( $this->my_raw_path ) )
    array(‘{‘, ‘}’, ‘[‘, ‘]’, ‘?’, ‘(‘, ‘)’, ‘-‘, ‘.’, ‘/’, ‘=’, ‘%PATH%’),
    array(‘{‘, ‘}’, ‘[‘, ‘]’, ‘?’, ‘(‘, ‘)’, ‘-‘, ‘.’, ‘/’, ‘=’, ‘(.*?)’),
    $this->config[‘main_url’]).’$/i’, $current_url, $matches);

    // Set current path/directory and page
    $raw_path = isset($matches[1]) ? trim($matches[1], ” /nt”) : false;
    $raw_path = $this->my_raw_path;

    if ($raw_path !== false)
    $this->cur_directory = str_replace(array(‘<', '>‘, ‘”‘, ”’, ‘&’,’ ;’), ”, substr($raw_path, 0, strrpos($raw_path, ‘/’)).’/’);
    $this->cur_page = (int) substr($raw_path, strrpos($raw_path, ‘/’)+1);
    $this->cur_directory = false;
    $this->cur_page = 1;

    if ($this->cur_directory == ‘0/’ || $this->cur_directory == ‘/’)
    $this->cur_directory = false;

    $dirs = $imgs = array();
    $this->full_path = $this->cur_directory === false ? $this->config[‘images_dir’].’/’ : $this->config[‘images_dir’].’/’.$this->cur_directory;

    if (is_dir($this->full_path) && ($handle = opendir($this->full_path)))
    // Scan directories and files
    while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false)
    if (is_dir($this->full_path.’/’.$file))
    // Exclude . and ..
    if ($file == ‘.’ || $file == ‘..’)

    $dirs[] = array(0, $file, ‘dir’, filectime($this->full_path.’/’.$file));
    // Check if file is an supported image type
    $image_extension = imgbrowz0r::get_ext($file);
    if (!in_array($image_extension, $this->image_types))

    $imgs[] = array(1, $file, $image_extension, filectime($this->full_path.’/’.$file));


    // Sort arrays
    if (($this->count_dirs = count($dirs)) > 0)
    foreach($dirs as $res) $sortAux[] = $res[$this->config[‘sort_by’]];
    array_multisort($sortAux, $this->config[‘sort_order’], $dirs);

    if (($this->count_imgs = count($imgs)) > 0)
    foreach($imgs as $res2) $sortAux2[] = $res2[$this->config[‘sort_by’]];
    array_multisort($sortAux2, $this->config[‘sort_order’], $imgs);

    // Calculate pages
    $this->page_count = (int) ceil(($this->count_dirs + $this->count_imgs) / $this->config[‘thumbs_per_page’]);
    $this->cur_page = $this->cur_page > 0 && $this->cur_page <= $this->page_count ? $this->cur_page : 1;

    // Merge and slice arrays
    $this->files = array_slice(array_merge($dirs, $imgs), ($this->cur_page-1) * $this->config[‘thumbs_per_page’], $this->config[‘thumbs_per_page’]);
    $this->count_files = count($this->files);
    $this->status = 404;

    // Reads the gallery directories and files
    public function browse()
    // Check status code
    if ($this->status === 404)
    return ‘


    This directory does not exist!



    if ($this->count_files < 1) return '


    There are no images or directories in this directory.



    @set_time_limit(180); // 3 Minutes
    $row_count = 1;

    // Start capturing output
    echo ‘

    ‘, “nt”, ‘

    ‘, “n”;

    foreach ($this->files as $k => $file)
    if ($file[0] === 1)
    $image_cache_dir = md5($this->cur_directory);
    $image_thumbnail = $image_cache_dir.’/’.$file[3].’_’.$file[1]; // The name of the thumbnail

    if (!is_dir($this->config[‘cache_dir’].’/’.$image_cache_dir))
    mkdir($this->config[‘cache_dir’].’/’.$image_cache_dir, 0777);

    if (!file_exists($this->config[‘cache_dir’].’/’.$image_thumbnail))
    $this->make_thumb($this->cur_directory, $file[1], $image_thumbnail);

    echo “tt”, ‘

    ‘, “n”;
    echo “tt”, ‘

    ‘, “nnt”, ‘


    ‘, “n”, ‘

    ‘, “nn”;

    // Stop capturing output
    return ob_get_clean();

    public function statistics()
    // Check status code
    if ($this->status === 404 || $this->count_files < 1) return; return '

    There ‘.($this->count_dirs !== 1 ? ‘are ‘.$this->count_dirs.’ directories’ : ‘is 1 directory’).
    ‘ and ‘.($this->count_imgs !== 1 ? $this->count_imgs.’ images’ : ‘1 image’).’ in this directory.


    // Generate breadcrumbs
    public function breadcrumbs()
    // Check status code
    if ($this->status === 404)

    $path_parts = $this->cur_directory !== false ? explode(‘/’, trim($this->cur_directory, ‘/’)) : array();

    if (isset($path_parts[0]))
    foreach ($path_parts as $k => $part)
    $output[] = ‘

    return ‘

    Breadcrumbs: config[‘main_url’]).'”>Root‘.
    (isset($output) ? ‘ / ‘.implode(‘ / ‘, $output) : null).’


    // Generate page navigation
    public function pagination()
    // Check status code and page count
    if ($this->status === 404 || $this->page_count < 2) return; $pages = array(); $cur_dir = $this->cur_directory !== false ? rtrim($this->cur_directory, ‘/’) : 0;
    $current_range = array(($this->cur_page < 5 ? 2 : $this->cur_page-3), ($this->cur_page+3 >= $this->page_count ? $this->page_count-1 : $this->cur_page+3));

    // Previous and next links
    $prev = $this->cur_page > 1 ? ‘cur_page – 1), $this->config[‘main_url’]).'”>«‘ : null;
    $next = $this->cur_page < $this->page_count ? ‘cur_page + 1), $this->config[‘main_url’]).'”>»‘ : null;

    // First and last page
    $first = $this->cur_page === 1 ? ‘1‘ : ‘config[‘main_url’]).'”>1‘;
    $last = $this->cur_page === $this->page_count ? ‘‘.$this->page_count.’‘ : ‘config[‘main_url’]).'”>’.($x == $this->cur_page ? ‘‘.$x.’‘ : $x).’‘;

    return ‘

    Pages: ‘.$prev.’ ‘.$first.($this->cur_page > 5 ? ‘ … ‘ : ‘ ‘).implode(‘ ‘, $pages).
    ($this->cur_page < $this->page_count – 4 ? ‘ … ‘ : ‘ ‘).$last.’ ‘.$next.’


    // Display description of the current directory
    // Html tags are stripped from the description except the following tags:

    , , , ,



    public function description()
    if (file_exists($this->full_path.’.desc’))
    return ‘


    // The legendary thumbnail generater
    private function make_thumb($image_dir, $image_name, $image_thumbnail)
    //Check if thumb dir exists
    if (!is_dir($this->config[‘cache_dir’]) || !is_writable($this->config[‘cache_dir’]))
    exit(‘Cache directory does not exist or is not writable!’);

    $image_dir = $image_dir !== false ? $image_dir.’/’ : null;
    $image_info = imgbrowz0r::get_image_info($this->config[‘images_dir’].’/’.$image_dir.’/’.$image_name);

    // Check if file is an supported image type
    if (!in_array($image_info[‘extension’], $this->image_types))
    return false;

    // Open the image so we can make a thumbnail
    if ($image_info[‘type’] == 3)
    $image = imagecreatefrompng($this->config[‘images_dir’].’/’.$image_dir.$image_name);
    else if ($image_info[‘type’] == 2)
    $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->config[‘images_dir’].’/’.$image_dir.$image_name);
    else if ($image_info[‘type’] == 1)
    $image = imagecreatefromgif($this->config[‘images_dir’].’/’.$image_dir.$image_name);
    return false;

    // Calculate new width and height
    $zoomw = $image_info[‘width’] / $this->config[‘max_thumb_width’];
    $zoomh = $image_info[‘height’] / $this->config[‘max_thumb_height’];

    $zoom = ($zoomw > $zoomh) ? $zoomw : $zoomh;

    if ($image_info[‘width’] < $this->config[‘max_thumb_width’] && $image_info[‘height’] < $this->config[‘max_thumb_height’])
    $thumb_width = $image_info[‘width’];
    $thumb_height = $image_info[‘height’];
    $thumb_width = $image_info[‘width’] / $zoom;
    $thumb_height = $image_info[‘height’] / $zoom;

    // Create an image for the thumbnail
    $thumbnail = imagecreatetruecolor($thumb_width, $thumb_height);

    // Preserve transparency in PNG and GIF images
    if ($image_info[‘type’] === 3)
    $alpha_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($thumbnail, 0, 0, 0, 127);
    imagefill($thumbnail, 0, 0, $alpha_color);
    imagesavealpha($thumbnail, true);
    else if ($image_info[‘type’] === 1 && ($transparent_index = imagecolortransparent($image)) >= 0)
    $transparent_color = imagecolorsforindex($image, $transparent_index);
    $transparent_index = imagecolorallocate($thumbnail, $transparent_color[‘red’], $transparent_color[‘green’], $transparent_color[‘blue’]);
    imagefill($thumbnail, 0, 0, $transparent_index);
    imagecolortransparent($thumbnail, $transparent_index);

    // Copy and resize image
    imagecopyresampled($thumbnail, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $image_info[‘width’], $image_info[‘height’]);

    // Save the thumbnail, but first check what kind of file it is
    if ($image_info[‘type’] == 3)
    imagepng($thumbnail, $this->config[‘cache_dir’].’/’.$image_thumbnail);
    else if ($image_info[‘type’] == 2)
    imagejpeg($thumbnail, $this->config[‘cache_dir’].’/’.$image_thumbnail, 85);
    else if ($image_info[‘type’] == 1)
    imagetruecolortopalette($thumbnail, true, 256);
    imagegif($thumbnail, $this->config[‘cache_dir’].’/’.$image_thumbnail);

    // Destroy

    private function read_cache($path)
    if (is_dir($path) && ($handle = opendir($path)))
    $thumbnails = array();
    $file_count = 0;

    while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false)
    $thumb_extension = imgbrowz0r::get_ext($file);
    if (!in_array($thumb_extension, $this->image_types))

    $thumbnails[] = $file;

    if ($file_count === $this->config[‘read_thumb_limit’])

    return $thumbnails;
    return false;

    // Format unix timestamp to a human readable date
    private function format_time($timestamp)
    return gmdate($this->config[‘time_format’], ($timestamp + $this->config[‘time_zone’] * 3600));

    // Get info from image (width, height, type, extension)
    static private function get_image_info($filepath)
    $getimagesize = getimagesize($filepath);
    return array(‘width’ => $getimagesize[0], ‘height’ => $getimagesize[1], ‘type’ => $getimagesize[2], ‘extension’ => imgbrowz0r::get_ext($filepath));

    // Get extension from filename (returns the extension without the dot)
    static private function get_ext($file_name)
    return strtolower(pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));


    page-gallery.php (custom page template for wordpress)


    ID, ‘galleryPath’, true);
    $mypath .= “/1″;
    include $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’].”/wp-content/themes/TragicTheme/gallery.php”;

    My style.css file (due to my install it should cover both my wordpress install and imgbrowz0r)

    Theme Name: TragicTheme
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Jonathon Lillie
    Tags: dark, clean

    @import “style/css/reset.css”;
    @import “style/css/typography.css”;
    @import “style/css/layout.css”;


    Personal Blog
    by Jonathon Lillie

    * {margin: 0; padding: 0; }

    body {font: 14px Helvetica; background: black url(images/bg.jpg) fixed no-repeat right;}
    a {color: white;}
    a img {border: 0;}
    a_post_title {color:white;}
    a:hover {color:red;}

    #page-wrap {width: 920px; margin: 163px 0px 0px 83px;}

    #main-content {margin:0 0 0 288px; background: rgba(46,45,48,0.75); padding: 20px 20px 20px 20px; width: 632px; -moz-border-radius: 20px; -webkit-border-radius: 20px; border-radius: 20px; color:white; text-align: justify;}
    #main-content .a_post_title {text-decoration: none;}
    .aktt_tweet_digest {padding-left: 30px;}

    #commentform {margin:0 0 50px 288px; background: rgba(46,45,48,0.75); padding: 20px 0px 20px 20px; width: 652px; -moz-border-radius: 20px; -webkit-border-radius: 20px; border-radius: 20px; color:white; text-align: justify;}
    #comment {width: 600px;}

    #post- {margin:0 0 0 288px; background: rgba(46,45,48,0.75); padding: 20px 0px 20px 20px; width: 632px; -moz-border-radius: 20px; -webkit-border-radius: 20px; border-radius: 20px; color:white; text-align: justify;}

    aktt_tweet_digest {margin:0 0 0 288px; background: rgba(46,45,48,0.75); padding: 20px 0px 20px 20px; width: 632px; -moz-border-radius: 20px; -webkit-border-radius: 20px; border-radius: 20px; color:white; text-align: justify;}

    #logo {position: absolute; top: 35px; left:282px; border: none;}

    #main-nav {list-style: none; margin:0 0 50px 0;}
    #main-nav li {font: 24px Helvetica;}
    #main-nav li a {color: white; display:block; padding: 5px 0;}
    #main-nav li a:hover {color:red;}
    #main-nav li.current_page_item a {background: rgba(46,45,48,0.75); margin: 0 0 0 -20px; text-indent:20px; color:#5379D2; font: bold 24px Helvetica: -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 20px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 20px; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 20px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 20px;}


    p {font: 16px Helvetica; margin:0 40px 0 10px; padding: 0 0 10px 0;}
    h2 {font: 24px Helvetica; color:white; border-bottom: 1px solid white;}
    h3 {font: 16px Helvetica; color: white;}


    #sidebar {float: left; padding:20px; width:268px; color:white; text-align: justify;}
    #sidebar h4 {font: 24px Helvetica; color:#red; padding:0 0 5px 0;}

    img#wpstats {display:none}

    body {color:black;}
    img, a img,
    .img-directory a {border: 2px solid white;}
    a:hover img,
    .img-directory a:hover {border-color: #666;}
    .clear {clear:both;}

    page-wrap {width:800px; margin: 20px auto:}
    .etphonehome {color: white; margin: 20px;}

    .img-breadcrumbs {color: white; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 20px 0;}
    .img-breadcrumbs span {color: white; padding: 10px 20px 10px 10px;}

    #imgbrowz0r .img-directory a {background-position: 50% 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 200px; display: block; height: 140px;}

    .img-directory {/*border: 1px solid #651717;*/ padding: 10px;/* margin: 0 0 20px 0;*/ width: 169px; float: left; margin: 0 20px 20px 0; height: 180px; text-align: center;}

    .img-thumbnail {display: block; width: 200px; /*border: 1px solid #ccc;*/ padding: 10px; float: left;/* margin: 0 20px 20px 0;*/ height: 180px; text-align: center;}

    site linke is
    direct link to the gallery page

    Any questions don’t hesitate to ask. I’m fairly new to all this. (dove in head first last week with some of Chris’ screencasts and this is where I’ve ended up.) That being said, please be kind :)



    Anyone? I’ve tried Integrating WordPress, but no luck. just get errors. It’s really perplexing me.

    Basically the problem is the styling and theme is not caring over when I click on an album. works fine on the top level, but no lower.

    links again incase you want to take a look:

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
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