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  • #30853

    So I have just recently started to develop with WordPress. There is a question/problem that I have ran into. I am currently developing for a website that is active. This website sits in the root or public_html folder of the server. I am building the WordPress site inside of that in a folder called, wordpress. So the url is,

    My problem is that it seems that google seems to be cacheing the jibberish test posts that I do. The more and more I build and check it, the more and more google and search engines sees When the site is ready to move to be live, I’m afraid that if or comes up, it doesn’t exist. It would be easy to do a /wordpress redirect but the posts after I think will have a problem.

    Is there any suggestions on how to fix this or how to develop a WordPress website on a live server?


    Why couldn’t you just make a custom 404 page that redirects to the home page or contains links to search forms or the home?


    A custom 404 page that redirects to the index.php? That’s a good idea. I will use that if I can not figure out a solution to developing a WordPress site on a live server but have it hidden somehow.


    Have you tried putting a robots.txt file in you root folder and setting: User-Agent: * Disallow: /wordpress/, this will stop search engines from indexing anything in that wordpress directory.


    Upon installing, I think there is an option to “block search engines” .. if you didn’t check that box, then you can find it under the “Settings” section in your admin panel somewhere…and you can always unblock it later when it’s time to go live.


    Thanks for the great suggestions. I didn’t even think about unchecking the box while I work live. I also came across MAMP. I installed it and started working with it right away. So if anyone else comes across this and is wondering the same thing, this is another solution. This allows to to work without an internet connection as well.

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