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    Does anyone here use Anything Slider. It seems to be perfect for a job I’m working on. Does anyone know how to layer the nav div on top of the slider div? I have moved it on top of the slider, but it is below the dive that the content sits on, so you cannot access the rollover.


    Hi NickChia!

    Could you share a demo, screenshot or some code of the issue you are having. Or maybe looking at this demo will help. It uses the appendControlsTo option to move the navigation controls outside of the slider.


    Thanx for your response. This is the staging site. You will see the slider. The nave numbers on on the upper right of the slider area.


    I was able to raise the “arrows” div above the slider, but not the numbers.


    I was wondering if I can get some help with Anything Slider, as well. I am new to the art of web design. I love it! I love the challenges that it poses, as well as enjoying the journey and relishing in the destination.

    I have an understanding of html & css, but I am very new to the wonderful world of javascript and jQuery. The project I am working on is for a friends animation website. I thought that the Anything Slider would be a perfect addition as a portfolio for his animations. It’s clean, looks fantastic, offers a very tight way to showcase work rather than it just running down a page or having thumbnail images as links.

    The thing that I am trying to wrap my head around is that when I am coding it locally on my machine and looking at it in the browsers on my machine locally, it works fantastic. When it’s uploaded and live on the server, it falls apart leaving me with a vertical run down list of YouTube videos (the exact opposite reason why I wanted to use Anything Slider).

    I was wondering if I can get a little help on this? I have the site live and here is the url

    If someone can take a look at this and tell me what I’m doing wrong, what I forgot, if I am missing something, I would be forever grateful. I have been baking my brain on this for over a week now trying to figure it out myself, but the journey has been having some pretty rough terrain. Thank you in advance!

    ps – I look forward to reading the interview in Junes .net – haven’t picked it up yet, but will when I get enough in my piggy bank!


    Hi Slain1134!

    It looks like there are two copies of jQuery on that page. Remove the one near the bottom of the page and it should start working.


    Mottie! You’re awesome! That totally fixed it. Thank you so very much. Like I said, I racked my brain on this for days and all it was, was a single line of extra code. Thank you, hats off to you!

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