
The forums ran from 2008-2020 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive.

Home Forums Design I'm in love with Neue Helvetica… please help. Reply To: I'm in love with Neue Helvetica… please help.


My apologies for the delayed reply here. Been incredibly, incredibly busy with college.

In reply to Josh Johnson and “R”:

You’re absolutely correct. Helvetica CAN look better on some screens. However, it has been proven to be horrible for readability and legibility at small sizes on the web (which I’ve pointed out previously and “R” reiterated ). Helvetica was initially made for print and even so, I think it has certainly lost its taste and character being ubiquitous as it is. Print and web fonts are quite different. You should take a look at how Font Bureau takes their print library and redesigns them for the web:

The point of having a website is to engage our audience. We want them to be at ease when reading and unfortunately Helvetica was not designed for this.