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I gotta second Nikhil on the lighter background. The following is just my opinion:

Have you ever been to a really rich person’s home? Hell… maybe you are really rich and I’m talking about your home. Anyway… the few times I’ve been in a multi-millionaire’s home, I noticed something: All their walls were a shade of white and their color came from art. They might have a decorated dining room or an accent wall… but for the most part it’s white walls that draw attention to their expensive art collection.

For the most part, I try to apply this in web design. I do love me a sleek white or off-white background. I think the contrast makes for a REALLY high-end look. But, it’s really not so much about the color as it is the implementation. A background should be unobtrusive and aid you in drawing attention to the content. Black backgrounds suck the life out of a user and are very hard on the eyes IMHO.

I would stick with a less noticeable background color… which will probably mean lighter.