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    So, years ago, it was a dream of mine to build a custom PC. I thought it would be cool and then… I never looked into it again. Just recently, I decided I need a proper desktop setup. So, I looked into building a custom PC. Wow, I was blown away.

    For the same price as a low to mid-range PC from a company like Dell, you can build a PC with specs that will absolutely MURDER anything in that category. How about a 6-core AMD you can overclock to 4.1 ghz for $109??!! That’s just silly.

    I’m looking to build a PC for around $500. That does not include monitors. It turns out, that’s more than enough money to build a SICK setup. I just thought I would let people know this if they’re curious. I never gave it much thought and now I’m wondering why I never seriously considered it.

    Stay tuned for build photos. This thing is going to be really sexy.


    Help! I have custom PC fever.

    Really? I hadn’t noticed.

    Stay tuned for build photos. This thing is going to be really sexy.

    Looking forward to it. Have you decided on components yet?


    Really? I hadn’t noticed.

    HA HA HA!

    Definitely this processor. 3.5 – 4.1 GHz is MORE than enough for my purposes. The pricepoint is juuuuuuuuuuuuust right.

    Other than that… obviously a GeForce graphics card. Maybe this one.

    I really like this case.

    Other than that… I’d like an SSD. Small is fine with me. I’d settle for a 250GB. The reason is because a lot of my long term storage stuff doesn’t need to be on an SSD. But… the stuff tied to performance does.


    And… I’m taking your advice on dual monitors. Dual 24″ would be awesome.


    I’ve only had custom builds over the past 14 years or so. The first one convinced me a custom was far superior to anything one could buy off the shelf, or order.

    I’m taking your advice on dual monitors. Dual 24″ would be awesome.

    Why not go triple? I have three, but only 18″ because I have to be able to see over my desk at times.


    Why not go triple?

    Dude… that is so parkour.

    Jeff Atwood recommends 3. However, two 24’s running BSPWM will be plenty. Trust me. Tiling window managers are amazing. They make my 14″ laptop feel roomy if that’s possible.


    I’m not the guy to ask about graphics cards -I honestly have a hard time telling them apart sometimes- but that cpu looks good. Are you going to overclock it? and have you considered cooling?

    What about a motherboard? RAM?

    Regarding the SSD, how much stuff is really “tied to performance”? If you find a 250GB drive at a good price point, sure, go for it; but I think you could do just fine with a 128.

    Dual 24″ would be awesome.

    Why not go triple?

    I’ve tried three, and I didn’t like it. Personal preference, though. Admittedly, I might feel differently if I had a bigger desk.


    I’m not the guy to ask about graphics cards -I honestly have a hard time telling them apart sometimes

    Nvidia has good support on Linux… Even if Linus hates them. All I care about are 2 QUALITY outputs! No VGA please!

    What about a motherboard? RAM?

    Still shopping on that. I’ll probably go 8GB on RAM though. I won’t need a swap partition then. I’ve read that anything above 4GB and swap isn’t necessary.

    but I think you could do just fine with a 128.

    You know… you’re absolutely right and the price on those things is so reasonable. I only have a 500GB HDD now and I don’t even use 1/6 of it. Especially after I broke my Windows partition! The vast majority of what I do use is photos and videos of my kids. That can go on an external or better yet… a custom built server!!!

    Are you going to overclock it?


    have you considered cooling?

    I’ll probably roll with fans. Liquid cooled seems like overkill. I won’t be playing Crysis 4. But… quieter is better.

    I’m probably going to throw LED case lights in it. Even though that is totally RICE and fake 1337… the nerd in me can’t resist.


    This is the big daddy.

    However… I’d rather save that cash for an awesome keyboard. Turns out a text editor, a few terminals and a browser doesn’t really require 8 cores. Who would’ve thought?

    Sidenote: @traq, you should definitely learn Vim. I used vimdiff today to merge two different Apache config files (the old and the .pacnew) and it was awesome.


    My next custom will come from here.


    My next custom will come from here.

    How very steampunk of you. Please tell me this is your daily driver:


    Please tell me this is your daily driver

    Ah, if only!

    Steampunk is fantastic! Having been a Mechanical Engineer makes it even more addictive.


    Steampunk is fantastic!

    I see it’s appeal. I’m more of a minimalist and don’t go for the highly ornate. However… I get why some people do. I appreciate what I do not understand.


    For me it’s art coupled with my engineering interests. I have a memory stick like this one. My upstairs office looks like something from H. G. Wells “The Time Machine”. A friend who saw it for the first time said “I didn’t expect this! and I said “neither did I.” When I lived in the States I had a phone that was designed with Lindbergh’s “Spirit of St. Louis” in mind.

    What monitor brand do you favor?


    Dude… I didn’t even know something like that existed. You learn something new everyday I suppose. This keyboard is probably so ugly to you.

    I’m actually really liking the Acer. Good selection of 24″ LED monitors.

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