Using Custom Elements in Svelte

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Geoff Rich on

Svelte fully supports custom elements (e.g. <my-component>) without any custom configuration or wrapper components and has a perfect score on Custom Elements Everywhere. However, there are still a few quirks you need to watch out for, especially around how Svelte sets data on custom elements. At Alaska Airlines, we experienced many of these issues first-hand as we integrated the custom elements from our design system into a Svelte application.

While Svelte supports compiling to custom elements, that is not within the scope of this post. Instead, I will focus on using custom elements built with the Lit custom element library in a Svelte application. These concepts should transfer to custom elements built with or without a supporting library.

Property or attribute?

To fully understand how to use custom elements in Svelte, you need to understand how Svelte passes data to a custom element.

Svelte uses a simple heuristic to determine whether to pass data to a custom element as a property or an attribute. If a corresponding property exists on the custom element at runtime, Svelte will pass the data as a property. Otherwise, it will pass it as an attribute. This seems simple, but has interesting implications.

For instance, let’s say you have a coffee-mug custom element that takes a size property. You can use it in a Svelte component like so:

<coffee-mug class="mug" size="large"></coffee-mug>

You can open this Svelte REPL to follow along. You should see the custom element render the text “This coffee mug’s size is: large ☕️.”

When writing the HTML inside the component, it seems like you’re setting both class and size as attributes. However, this is not the case. Right-click on the “This coffee mug’s size is” text in the REPL’s output and click “Inspect.” This will bring open the DevTools inspector. When you inspect the rendered HTML, you’ll notice that only class was set as an attribute — it’s as if size simply disappeared! However, size is getting set somehow, because “large” still appears in the element’s rendered text.

This is because size is a property on the element, but class is not. Because Svelte detects a size property, it chooses to set that property instead of an attribute. There is no class property, so Svelte sets it as an attribute instead. That’s not a problem or something that changes how we expect the component to behave, but can be very confusing if you’re unaware of it, because there’s a disconnect between the HTML you think you’re writing and what Svelte actually outputs.

Svelte isn’t unique in this behavior — Preact uses a similar method to determine whether to set an attribute or a property on custom elements. Because of that, the use cases I discuss will also occur in Preact, though the workarounds will be different. You will not run into these issues with Angular or Vue because they have a special syntax that lets you choose to set an attribute or a property.

Svelte’s heuristic makes it easy to pass complex data like arrays and objects which need to be set as properties. Consumers of your custom elements shouldn’t need to think about whether they need to set an attribute or a property — it just magically works. However, like any magic in web development, you eventually run into some cases that require you to dig a little deeper and understand what’s going on behind the scenes.

Let’s go through some use cases where custom elements behave strangely. You can find the final examples in this Svelte REPL.

Attributes used as styling hooks

Let’s say you have a custom-text element that displays some text. If the flag attribute is present, it prepends a flag emoji and the word “Flagged:” to the text. The element is coded as follows:

import { html, css, LitElement } from 'lit';
export class CustomText extends LitElement {
  static get styles() {
    return css`
      :host([flag]) p::before {
        content: '🚩';
  static get properties() {
    return {
      flag: {
        type: Boolean
  constructor() {
    this.flag = false;
  render() {
    return html`<p>
      ${this.flag ? html`<strong>Flagged:</strong>` : ''}
customElements.define('custom-text', CustomText);

You can see the element in action in this CodePen.

However, if you try to use the custom element the same way in Svelte, it doesn’t entirely work. The “Flagged:” text is shown, but the emoji is not. What gives?

  import './custom-elements/custom-text';

<!-- This shows the "Flagged:" text, but not 🚩 -->
<custom-text flag>Just some custom text.</custom-text>

The key here is the :host([flag]) selector. :host selects the element’s shadow root (i.e. the <custom-text> element), so this selector only applies if the flag attribute is present on the element. Since Svelte chooses to set the property instead, this selector doesn’t apply. The “Flagged:” text is added based on the property, which is why that still showed.

So what are our options here? Well, the custom element shouldn’t have assumed that flag would always be set as an attribute. It is a custom element best practice to keep primitive data attributes and properties in sync since you don’t know how the consumer of the element will interact with it. The ideal solution is for the element author to make sure any primitive properties are reflected to attributes, especially if those attributes are used for styling. Lit makes it easy to reflect your properties:

static get properties() {
  return {
    flag: {
      type: Boolean,
      reflect: true

With that change, the flag property is reflected back to the attribute, and everything displays as expected.

However, there may be cases where you don’t have control over the custom element definition. In that case, you can force Svelte to set the attribute using a Svelte action.

Using a Svelte action to force setting attributes

Actions are a powerful Svelte feature that run a function when a certain node is added to the DOM. For example, we can write an action that will set the flag attribute on our custom-text element:

  import './custom-elements/custom-text';
  function setAttributes(node) {
    node.setAttribute('flag', '');

<custom-text use:setAttributes>
  Just some custom text.

Actions can also take parameters. For instance, we could make this action more generic and accept an object containing the attributes we want to set on a node.

  import './custom-elements/custom-text';
  function setAttributes(node, attributes) {
    Object.entries(attributes).forEach(([k, v]) => {
      if (v !== undefined) {
        node.setAttribute(k, v);
      } else {

<custom-text use:setAttributes={{ flag: true }}>
  Just some custom text.

Finally, if we want the attributes to react to state changes, we can return an object with an update method from the action. Whenever the parameters we pass to the action change, the update function will be called.

  import './custom-elements/custom-text';
  function setAttributes(node, attributes) {
    const applyAttributes = () => {
      Object.entries(attributes).forEach(([k, v]) => {
        if (v !== undefined) {
          node.setAttribute(k, v);
        } else {
    return {
      update(updatedAttributes) {
        attributes = updatedAttributes;
  let flagged = true;
<label><input type="checkbox" bind:checked={flagged} /> Flagged</label>
<custom-text use:setAttributes={{ flag: flagged ? '' : undefined }}>
  Just some custom text.

Using this approach, we don’t have to update the custom element to reflect the property — we can control setting the attribute from inside our Svelte app.

Lazy-loading custom elements

Custom elements are not always defined when the component first renders. For example, you may wait to import your custom elements until after the web component polyfills have loaded. Also, in a server-side rendering context such as Sapper or SvelteKit, the initial server render will take place without loading the custom element definition.

In either case, if the custom element is not defined, Svelte will set everything as attributes. This is because the property does not exist on the element yet. This is confusing if you’ve grown accustomed to Svelte only setting properties on custom elements. This can cause issues with complex data such as objects and arrays.

As an example, let’s look at the following custom element that displays a greeting followed by a list of names.

import { html, css, LitElement } from 'lit';
export class FancyGreeting extends LitElement {
  static get styles() {
    return css`
      p {
        border: 5px dashed mediumaquamarine;
        padding: 4px;
  static get properties() {
    return {
      names: { type: Array },
      greeting: { type: String }
  constructor() {
    this.names = [];
  render() {
    return html`<p>
      ${this.names && this.names.length > 0 ? this.names.join(', ') : 'no one'}!
customElements.define('fancy-greeting', FancyGreeting);

You can see the element in action in this CodePen.

If we statically import the element in a Svelte application, everything works as expected.

  import './custom-elements/fancy-greeting';
<!-- This displays "Howdy, Amy, Bill, Clara!" -->
<fancy-greeting greeting="Howdy" names={['Amy', 'Bill', 'Clara']} />

However, if we dynamically import the component, the custom element does not become defined until after the component has first rendered. In this example, I wait to import the element until the Svelte component has been mounted using the onMount lifecycle function. When we delay importing the custom element, the list of names is not set properly and the fallback content is displayed instead.

  import { onMount } from 'svelte';
  onMount(async () => {
    await import('./custom-elements/fancy-greeting');
<!-- This displays "Howdy, no one!"-->
<fancy-greeting greeting="Howdy" names={['Amy', 'Bill', 'Clara']} />

Because the custom element definition is not loaded when Svelte adds fancy-greeting to the DOM, fancy-greeting does not have a names property and Svelte sets the names attribute — but as a string, not as a stringified array. If you inspect the element in your browser DevTools, you’ll see the following:

<fancy-greeting greeting="Howdy" names="Amy,Bill,Clara"></fancy-greeting> 

Our custom element tries to parse the names attribute as an array using JSON.parse, which throws an exception. This is handled automatically using Lit’s default array converter, but the same would apply to any element that expects an attribute to contain a valid JSON array.

Interestingly, once you update the data passed to the custom element Svelte will start setting the property again. In the below example, I moved the array of names to the state variable names so that I can update it. I also added an “Add name” button that will append the name “Rory” to the end of the names array when clicked.

Once the button is clicked, the names array is updated, which triggers a re-render of the component. Since the custom element is now defined, Svelte detects the names property on the custom element and sets that instead of the attribute. This causes the custom element to properly display the list of names instead of the fallback content.

  import { onMount } from 'svelte';
  onMount(async () => {
    await import('./custom-elements/fancy-greeting');
  let names = ['Amy', 'Bill', 'Clara'];
  function addName() {
    names = [...names, 'Rory'];

<!-- Once the button is clicked, the element displays "Howdy, Amy, Bill, Clara, Rory!" -->
<fancy-greeting greeting="Howdy" {names} />
<button on:click={addName}>Add name</button>

As in the previous example, we can force Svelte to set the data how we want using an action. This time, instead of setting everything as an attribute, we want to set everything as a property. We will pass an object as a parameter that contains the properties we want to set on the node. Here’s how our action will be applied to the custom element:

  use:setProperties={{ names: ['Amy', 'Bill', 'Clara'] }}

Below is the the implementation of the action. We iterate over the properties object and use each entry to set the property on the custom element node. We also return an update function so that the properties are reapplied if the parameters passed to the action change. See the previous section if you want a refresher on how you can react to state changes with an action.

function setProperties(node, properties) {
  const applyProperties = () => {
    Object.entries(properties).forEach(([k, v]) => {
      node[k] = v;
  return {
    update(updatedProperties) {
      properties = updatedProperties;

By using the action, the names are displayed properly on first render. Svelte sets the property when first rendering the component, and the custom element picks that property up once the element has been defined.

Boolean attributes

The final issue we ran into is how Svelte handles boolean attributes on a custom element. This behavior has recently changed with Svelte 3.38.0, but we’ll explore pre- and post-3.38 behavior since not everyone will be on the latest Svelte version.

Suppose we have a <secret-box> custom element with a boolean property open that indicates whether the box is open or not. The implementation looks like this:

import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
export class SecretBox extends LitElement {
  static get properties() {
    return {
      open: {
        type: Boolean
  render() {
    return html`<div>The box is ${ ? 'open 🔓' : 'closed 🔒'}</div>`;
customElements.define('secret-box', SecretBox);

You can see the element in action in this CodePen.

As seen in the CodePen, you can set the open property to true multiple ways. Per the HTML spec, the presence of a boolean attribute represents the true value, and its absence represents false.

<secret-box open></secret-box>
<secret-box open=""></secret-box>
<secret-box open="open"></secret-box>

Interestingly, only the last of the above options shows “The box is open” when used inside a Svelte component. The first two show “The box is closed” despite setting the open attribute. What’s going on here?

As with the other examples, it all goes back to Svelte choosing properties over attributes. If you inspect the elements in the browser DevTools, no attributes are set — Svelte has set everything as properties. We can console.log the open property inside our render method (or query the element in the console) to discover what Svelte set the open property to.

// <secret-box open> logs ''
// <secret-box open=""> logs ''
// <secret-box open="open"> logs 'open'
render() {
  return html`<div>The box is ${ ? 'open 🔓' : 'closed 🔒'}</div>`;

In the first two cases, open equals an empty string. Since an empty string is falsy in JavaScript, our ternary statement evaluates to the false case and shows that the box is closed. In the final case, the open property is set to the string “open” which is truthy. The ternary statement evaluates to the true case and shows that the box is open.

As a side note, you don’t run into this issue when you lazy load the element. Since the custom element definition is not loaded when Svelte renders the element, Svelte sets the attribute instead of the property. See the above section for a refresher.

There’s an easy way around this issue. If you remember that you’re setting the property, not the attribute, you can explicitly set the open property to true with the following syntax.

<secret-box open={true}></secret-box>

This way you know you’re setting the open property to true. Setting to a non-empty string also works, but this way is the most accurate since you’re setting true instead of something that happens to be truthy.

Until recently, this was the only way to properly set boolean properties on custom elements. However, with Svelte 3.38, I had a change released that updated Svelte’s heuristic to allow setting shorthand boolean properties. Now, if Svelte knows that the underlying property is a boolean, it will treat the open and open="" syntaxes the same as open={true}.

This is especially helpful since this is how you see examples in many custom element component libraries. This change makes it easy to copy-paste out of the docs without having to troubleshoot why a certain attribute isn’t working how you’d expect.

However, there is one requirement on the custom element author side — the boolean property needs a default value so that Svelte knows it’s of boolean type. This is a good practice anyway if you want that property to be a boolean.

In our secret-box element, we can add a constructor and set the default value:

constructor() {
  super(); = true;

With that change, the following will correctly display “The box is open” in a Svelte component.

<secret-box open></secret-box>
<secret-box open=""></secret-box>

Wrapping up

Once you understand how Svelte decides to set an attribute or a property, a lot of these seemingly strange issues start to make more sense. Any time you run into issues passing data to a custom element inside a Svelte application, figure out if it’s being set as an attribute or a property and go from there. I’ve given you a few escape hatches in this article to force one or the other when you need to, but they should generally be unnecessary. Most of the time, custom elements in Svelte just work. You just need to know where to look if something does go wrong.

Special thanks to Dale Sande, Gus Naughton, and Nanette Ranes for reviewing an early version of this article.