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I’ve tried that but that changes according to the height of the page. To see this, shrink the height of the view so that it’s only about 150px tall and then you can start to see the ul peek out. And upon sizing it back up you can tell that it goes up much higher than intended.

Edit: The problem is that it is using 100% of the document height, effectively putting the top at twice the height of the page, whereas what I need is 100% the height of the page plus 100% the height of the ul, which is what I’m not sure how to figure out.

Edit 2: I’ve sort of got it working by setting it to top: 0; and z-index: -9999; and then when it’s toggled the body top padding increases and since there’s nothing in the way anymore the navigation is revealed. It’s not quite what I was going for but it’s close enough so I’m gonna call this one solved.