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Home Forums CSS image repeat on screen max-width: 767px Re: image repeat on screen max-width: 767px


The width 100% was an after addition, yes originally it was not there, but I read online that the view port must see some size … I don’t 100% get it, regardless ,without the width attribute, I still have the problem, i even added the view-port size

Float left is habit (I have tried without the float, no difference)

Yes, I never added any condition within the media query originally, as you rightly say its 100%, with or without the 100% (as I said, originally I had no width parameter as it was just a repeat)

I actually originally had

#footer-wrap {
background: url(../img/ui/footer_bg.jpg) repeat; }

But I have tried everything, I have read online a magnitude of solution to similar issues, but none fix the problem

I just don’t get it, its a BG image for christ sake that needs to repeat