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Home Forums CSS IE bug: text-indent on first line of a list item?HELP PLEASE Re: IE bug: text-indent on first line of a list item?HELP PLEASE


Uuuuh, what a stupid am I =)…thx for enlighten me!

EDIT: Fixed this now, it was even three times the same id, just for every speech-thing in there^^, but it changed not the problem in IE =/

Don’t know if it helps, but I’ve an IE fixes stylesheet, here the relevant css, but I see nothing in there that would affect this strange text-indent…

div.speech {
margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px !important;
ul.speech-list { list-style-position: inside !important;

lol, now I’ve lost some padding around the content section in IE and another padding problem in the other browsers, but this time inside the ul…have to fix this =D

And I’ve also seen that I had in the browser reset already ul, ol { list-style: none inside; } –> wouldn’t that do the list-style-position: inside; already?