
The forums ran from 2008-2020 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive.

Home Forums CSS How big (file wise) should my background image be? Re: How big (file wise) should my background image be?


I DO NOT disagree with any of you that smaller is better. However, if I want to use a VERY specific photo, at a size large enough for my intended audience, how can I make it smaller than it already is?? Not a single person has answered that question.

Not a single person“? Maybe you should tone it down a little bit and take a better look at the first bunch of replies. You’d see there’s a handful of persons giving you suggestions on how to make an image smaller than it already is. Let me quote them for you:

Have you you tried an image optimizer like tinypng or jpegoptimizer?

If the image is in png, use to compress it more.

Using jpeg-optimizer for a while now, never had much issues.

Use for windows a free app called pnggautlet I think.
i used this and it took my jpg file way down in size and didn’t lose any quality.