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Home Forums CSS iframe scrolling problems in iOS iphone 5 & 6 Reply To: iframe scrolling problems in iOS iphone 5 & 6


Hi Beverley,

Thanks for input above, I tried both implementations. The “css only” wrapper approach is on the same URL above (I retained existing iframe treatment, so the new iframe treatment is BELOW the existing iframe). On the 4s the information disappears when I try to scroll.

<iframe src=”; frameborder=”0″></iframe>

The dynamic drive code is implemented below the existing iframe on this page…

<iframe src=”; style=”position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%” frameborder=”0″ onload=”var iOS=/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent)&&!window.MSStream; if(iOS) { = ‘touch’; = ‘scroll’;}” ></iframe>

Neither one seems to be working properly (at least on the 4s). Would you mind taking a peek on your 5s and see what is happening?

Thank you.