
In a multi-column layout, you can make elements expand across the columns with column-span<\/code>.<\/p>\n

h2 {\r\n -webkit-column-span: all;\r\n         column-span: all;\r\n}<\/code><\/pre>\n

Assign column-span<\/code> to an element inside of the multi-column layout to make it a spanning element<\/em>. The multi-column layout will resume with the next non-spanning element.<\/p>\n

The value of column-span<\/code> can either be all<\/code> or none<\/code>.<\/p>\n

Set an element with column-span: all<\/code> to make it span the columns.<\/p>\n

The value none<\/code> for the property is the kill switch for a spanning element. You might use this when working with media queries to tell the spanning element to stop spanning.<\/p>\n

See the Pen column-span example<\/a> by CSS-Tricks (@css-tricks<\/a>) on CodePen<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Related Properties<\/h3>\n