
A child combinator in CSS is the “greater than” symbol, it looks like this:<\/p>\n

ol > li {\r\n  color: red;\r\n}<\/code><\/pre>\n

It means “select elements that are direct descendants only”. In this case: “select list items that are direct descendants of an ordered list”. To illustrate:<\/p>\n

<ol>\r\n  <li>WILL be selected<\/li>\r\n  <li>WILL be selected<\/li>\r\n  <ul>\r\n     <li>Will NOT be selected<\/li>\r\n     <li>Will NOT be selected<\/li>\r\n  <\/ul>\r\n  <li>WILL be selected<\/li>\r\n<\/ol><\/code><\/pre>\n

Try removing the ><\/code> symbol when playing around with the demo below:<\/p>\n

See the Pen f149edb15c53d157a7009b816ee919d2<\/a> by CSS-Tricks (@css-tricks<\/a>) on CodePen<\/a>.<\/p>\n

More Information<\/h3>\n