What’s wrong with CSS-in-JS?

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Brad Frost thinks it’s:

  1. Lack of portability
  2. Context Switching
  3. Flushing best practices down the toilet

In the spirit of good-ol-fashioned blog-and-response, here’s:

I’d like to point out that “CSS-in-JS” is an umbrella term, and that there are lots of takes on actual implementations of this. It’s possible to like one approach and not another.

My guess is we’ll end up with a split down the middle as a best practice someday.

When we write styles, we will always make a choice. Is this a global style? Am I, on purpose, leaking this style across the entire site? Or, am I writing CSS that is specific to this component? CSS will be split in half between these two. Component-specific styles will be scoped and bundled with the component and used as needed.

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