The Single Page App Morality Play

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Baldur Bjarnason brings some baby bear porridge to the discussion of Single Page App (SPA) vs. Multi Page App (MPA).

Single-Page-Apps can be fantastic. Most teams will mess them up because most teams operate in dysfunctional organisations. Multi-Page-Apps can also be fantastic, both in highly functional organisations that can apply them when and where they are appropriate and in dysfunctional ones, as they enforce a limit to project scope.

Both approaches can be good and bad. Baldur makes the point that management plays the biggest role in ensuring either outcome.

Another truth: there are an awful lot of projects out there that aren’t all-in on either approach, but are a mixture. I feel that. I also feel like there is a strong desire to declare a winner or have a simple checklist to decide which approach to go for, and that just ain’t gonna happen because the landscape is too shifty and there are just too many factors. Technology: it’s complicated.

A recent episode of Web Rush went into all this as well:

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