
Direct Link

A modest JavaScript framework for the HTML you already have.

This will appeal to anyone who is apprehensive about JavaScript being required to generate HTML, yet wants a modern framework to help with modern problems, like state management.

I wonder …

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Direct link to the article Routing and Route Protection in Server-Rendered Vue Apps Using Nuxt.js

Routing and Route Protection in Server-Rendered Vue Apps Using Nuxt.js

You might have had some experience trying to render an app built with Vue on a server. The concept and implementation details of Server-Side Rendering (SSR) are challenging for beginners as well as experienced developers. The challenges get more daunting when you have to do things like data fetching, routing and protecting authenticated routes. This article will walk you through how to overcome these challenges with Nuxt.js.

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Chris Nwamba on

Server-Side React Rendering

React is best known as a client-side JavaScript framework, but did you know you can (and perhaps should!) render React server-side?

Suppose you’ve built a zippy new event listing React app for a client. The app is hooked up …

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Roger Jin on (Updated on )