Conditional Media Query Mixins

Using a @mixin in Sass for your media queries is useful for a variety of reasons. The most important of which is probably the cognitive ease of having the properties and values you are changing right next to the originals. But another reason is that you then gain the ability to "shut off" those media queries if you need to, and there are some perfectly valid reasons to want to do that.
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Animating DOM transitions

Direct Link

Say you add some new element to the page and it pushes things around. That can happen instantly, but it helps your brain understand what just happened if the elements that were pushed away animate to their new position. Enter …

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Don’t Overthink It Grids

The vast majority of websites out there use a grid. They may not explicitly have a grid system in place, but if they have a “main content area” floated to the left a “sidebar” floated to the right, it’s a …

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Sass vs. Less

“Which CSS preprocessor language should I choose?” is a hot topic lately. I’ve been asked in person several times and an online debate has been popping up every few days it seems. It’s nice that the conversation has largely turned …

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