Firebase & React Part 2: User Authentication

Today we'll be adding authentication (via Google Authentication and Firebase) to our Fun Food Friends app, so that only users that are signed in can view who is bringing what to the potluck, as well as be able to contribute their own items. When users are not signed in, they will be unable to see what people are bringing to the potluck, nor will they be able to add their own items.

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Server-Side React Rendering

React is best known as a client-side JavaScript framework, but did you know you can (and perhaps should!) render React server-side?

Suppose you’ve built a zippy new event listing React app for a client. The app is hooked up …

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Roger Jin on (Updated on )


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The “normal” workflow I’m sure we’ve all lived is that design happens, then coding happens. A healthy workflow has back-and-forth between everyone involved in a project, including designers and developers, but still: The code is the final product. You design …

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Bobby Grace, on the Dropbox Paper team:

On the engineering side, we use inline SVGs. These have many advantages. One advantage is that SVG is a well-structured format that we can manipulate with code. Paper is also using React and

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