#060: Custom Header for The Forums, Part 2 (Rapid Media Queries)

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Nick’s illustration had three different layers for the heads. They are just slightly different variations. We could swap out the images with an animation or with JavaScript or something but having an always-running animation (or even one that runs every page load) would probably be mega-annoying for heavy forums users. Instead we’ll make it an Easter egg, that is, a little feature that you might not notice unless you happen to randomly stumble across it.

What we’ll do is swap out the images when the browser window resizes through @media queries. Instead of just a handful of @media queries that would change the heads a few times, we’ll make a crapload of @media queries that change them every few pixels. Essentially channeling the spirit of Arley McBlain’s “Lark Queries.”.

We use a Sass loop to create the many @media queries we need. Ultimately:

@for $i from 25 through 125 {
  @media (min-width: (($i+5)*15)+6+px) and (max-width: (($i+5)*15)+10+px) {
    .forum-wrap { background-image: url(../wp-content/themes/CSS-Tricks-10/images/header-forums-2.png);
  @media (min-width: (($i+5)*15)+11+px) and (max-width: (($i+5)*15)+15+px) {
    .forum-wrap { background-image: url(../wp-content/themes/CSS-Tricks-10/images/header-forums-3.png);

What’s nice about this is that we don’t load those additional images unless the page resizes so we’re not loading extra stuff just for an Easter egg.