Links of Interest

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This weeks Links of Interest post is WordPress-themed, like the rest of this week =)

Web Designer Wall Series

Nick La is in the midst of a series on working with WordPress. So far he has done Installing WordPress Locally, Building Custom WordPress Theme and Exporting and Importing WordPress.

Fully Valid, SEO-Friendly Social Media Links for WordPress

One of the things that will always get ya when validating is un-encoded characters in URLs. This is particularly epidemic in social bookmarking links where you are passing a bunch of information over to the service in the URL itself. Jeff Starr does one of his characteristically thorough posts on cleaning up your social media links. I really wish IntenseDebate would fix this problem. Since switching, my pages no longer validate soley because of the un-encoded URLs.

Using JavaScript Libraries in Your WordPress Themes

One thing you definitely want to stay away from when creating a new theme is hard-linking to a JavaScript library. Reason being, plugins also have the ability to load libraries and if you add one of those down the road you might end up loading redundant libraries. WordPress provides a function for loading libraries with some extra smarts to prevent this. Here is an article about this and the official documentation.

Most Wanted WordPress Hacks

Noupe has out 2 out of 3 planned articles on ‘Most Wanted WordPress Hacks’. Part One / Part Two. Lots of good stuff in there for expanding your WordPress bag-o-tricks.