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  • #29369

    I’m trying to decide which is the best plugin for WordPrss for the following and if anyone can suggest one that would be great thank you.

    I’m wanting to have a monthly radio show and then post them to my WordPress site. As of right now I have this for the page that would host the radio podcasts.


    Any suggestions?


    I’ve been meaning to try this one out but haven’t gotten around to it yet:


    In all honesty I have installed it HOWEVER I keep getting this error on every page on my site:

    Notice: Undefined offset: 21 in /home/content/y/a/n/yankeefaninkc/html/wp-content/plugins/podcasting/podcasting-player.php on line 214

    Here’s that file:


    $podcasting_excerpt_check = false;

    * Handle’s the various format players for Podcasting
    * @author Spiral Web Consulting
    class PodcastingPlayer
    var $_id = 0;
    var $_playerAdded = array();

    * Setup the player for use
    function PodcastingPlayer() {
    add_shortcode(‘podcast’, array($this, ‘shortcode’));
    add_action(‘wp_print_scripts’, array($this, ‘addPlayerScripts’));
    add_action(‘wp_head’, array($this, ‘addPlayerJavascript’));
    add_filter(‘the_content’, array($this, ‘theContent’), 50);
    add_filter(‘get_the_excerpt’, array($this, ‘checkExcerpt’), 1);

    * Handle’s the podcast shortcode
    function shortcode( $atts, $content = null ) {
    global $post, $podcasting_excerpt_check;

    # Don’t process the excerpt
    if ( $podcasting_excerpt_check )
    return ”;

    # Mark the player added so it doesn’t happen automatically
    $this->_playerAdded[$post->ID] = true;

    # Extract the information from the shortcode
    extract( shortcode_atts( array(
    ‘format’ => ‘mp3’,
    ‘width’ => get_option(‘pod_player_width’),
    ‘height’ => get_option(‘pod_player_height’),
    ‘flashvars’ => ”
    ), $atts ) );

    # Increase the id count

    # Display the correct player
    if ( ‘mp3’ == $format && get_option(‘pod_player_use_video’) == ‘no’ )
    return $this->audioPlayer($content, $width, $height, $flashvars);
    elseif ( ‘video’ == $format || get_option(‘pod_player_use_video’) == ‘yes’ )
    return $this->videoPlayer($content, $width, $height, $flashvars);

    * The audio player
    * @return the HTML for the audio player
    function audioPlayer($content, $width, $height, $flashvars)
    $podcasting_player_url = plugins_url(‘/podcasting/player/player.swf’);

    # Grab the player’s surrounding text
    $podcasting_text_above = stripslashes(get_option(‘pod_player_text_above’));
    $podcasting_text_before = stripslashes(get_option(‘pod_player_text_before’));
    $podcasting_text_below = stripslashes(get_option(‘pod_player_text_below’));
    $podcasting_text_link = get_option(‘pod_player_text_link’);

    # Text above the player
    if ( $podcasting_text_above != ” ) {
    if ( ‘above’ == $podcasting_text_link )
    $podcasting_text_above = "<p><a href=’$content’>$podcasting_text_above</a></p>";
    $podcasting_text_above = "<p>$podcasting_text_above</p>";

    # Text immeaditely before the player
    if ( $podcasting_text_before != ” ) {
    if ( ‘before’ == $podcasting_text_link )
    $podcasting_text_before = "<a href=’$content’>$podcasting_text_before</a> ";
    $podcasting_text_before .= ‘ ‘;

    # Text below the player
    if ( $podcasting_text_below != ” ) {
    if ( ‘below’ == $podcasting_text_link )
    $podcasting_text_below = "<p><a href=’$content’>$podcasting_text_below</a></p>";
    $podcasting_text_below = "<p>$podcasting_text_below</p>";

    # Add the flashvars if any
    if ( $flashvars != ” )
    $flashvars = ‘, ‘ . $flashvars;

    # Check if is a feed
    if ( is_feed() ) {
    return $podcasting_text_above . $podcasting_text_before . ‘<a href="’ . $content . ‘">’ . $content . ‘</a>’ . $podcasting_text_below;
    } else {
    return $podcasting_text_above . $podcasting_text_before . ‘<span id="pod_audio_’ . $this->_id . ‘">&nbsp;</span>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    AudioPlayer.embed("pod_audio_’ . $this->_id . ‘", {soundFile: "’ . rawurlencode($content) . ‘"’ . $flashvars . ‘});
    ‘ . $podcasting_text_below;

    * The video player
    function videoPlayer($content, $width, $height, $flashvars) {
    $podcasting_player_url = plugins_url(‘/podcasting/player/mediaplayer.swf’);

    # Check to make sure the width and height have values
    $width = ( $width == ” ) ? ‘400’ : $width;
    $height = ( $height == ” ) ? ‘300’ : $height;

    # Add the flashvars, if any
    $global_flashvars = stripslashes(get_option(‘pod_video_flashvars’));
    $global_flashvars = ( $global_flashvars != ” ) ? ‘, ‘ . $global_flashvars : ”;
    $flashvars = ( $flashvars != ” ) ? ‘, ‘ . $flashvars : ”;

    # Grab the player’s surrounding text
    $podcasting_text_above = stripslashes(get_option(‘pod_player_text_above’));
    $podcasting_text_before = stripslashes(get_option(‘pod_player_text_before’));
    $podcasting_text_below = stripslashes(get_option(‘pod_player_text_below’));
    $podcasting_text_link = get_option(‘pod_player_text_link’);

    # Above the player
    if ( $podcasting_text_above != ” ) {
    if ( ‘above’ == $podcasting_text_link )
    $podcasting_text_above = "<p><a href=’$content’>$podcasting_text_above</a></p>";
    $podcasting_text_above = "<p>$podcasting_text_above</p>";

    # Text right before the player
    if ( $podcasting_text_before != ” ) {
    if ( ‘before’ == $podcasting_text_link )
    $podcasting_text_before = "<a href=’$content’>$podcasting_text_before</a> ";
    $podcasting_text_before .= ‘ ‘;

    # Text below the player
    if ( $podcasting_text_below != ” ) {
    if ( ‘below’ == $podcasting_text_link )
    $podcasting_text_below = "<p><a href=’$content’>$podcasting_text_below</a></p>";
    $podcasting_text_below = "<p>$podcasting_text_below</p>";

    # Check if is a feed
    if ( is_feed() ) {
    return $podcasting_text_above . ‘<a href="’ . $content . ‘">’ . $content . ‘</a>’ . $podcasting_text_below;
    } else {
    return $podcasting_text_above . ‘<span id="pod_video_’ . $this->_id . ‘">&nbsp;</span>’ . $podcasting_text_below . ‘
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var pod_video_flashvars_’ . $this->_id . ‘ = { file: "’ . rawurlencode($content) . ‘"’ . $global_flashvars . $flashvars . ‘ };
    var pod_video_params_’ . $this->_id . ‘ = { allowfullscreen: "true", allowscriptaccess: "always" };
    swfobject.embedSWF("’ . $podcasting_player_url . ‘", "pod_video_’ . $this->_id . ‘", "’ . $width . ‘", "’ . $height . ‘", "9.0.0", "", pod_video_flashvars_’ . $this->_id . ‘, pod_video_params_’ . $this->_id . ‘);

    * Adds the player’s javascript to the page
    function addPlayerScripts() {
    wp_enqueue_script(‘swfobject’, plugins_url(‘/podcasting/player/swfobject.js’), false, ‘2.1’);
    wp_enqueue_script(‘audio-player’, plugins_url(‘/podcasting/player/audio-player-noswfobject.js’), false, ‘2.0’);

    * Add the Javascript needed to control the various players
    function addPlayerJavascript() {
    # Grab the audio player’s global flashvars
    $global_flashvars = stripslashes(get_option(‘pod_player_flashvars’));

    # Add the global flashvars, if any
    if ( get_option(‘pod_player_flashvars’) != ” )
    $global_flashvars = ‘, ‘ . $global_flashvars;

    # Adjust the audio player’s width
    $pod_player_width = stripslashes(get_option(‘pod_audio_width’));
    if ( $pod_player_width == ” )
    $pod_player_width = 290;

    # Initialize the audio player
    <!– Podcasting <?php echo PODCASTING_VERSION; ?>: –>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    AudioPlayer.setup("<?php echo plugins_url(‘/podcasting/player/player.swf’); ?>", {
    width: <?php echo $pod_player_width . $global_flashvars; ?>

    * Add the player automatically to a post
    function theContent($content) {
    global $wpdb, $post, $podcasting_excerpt_check;

    # Don’t process the excerpt
    if ( $podcasting_excerpt_check )
    return $content;

    # Don’t automatically add the player if the page is a feed, the player has already been added, or the user has the automatic player option disabled
    if ( is_feed() || $this->_playerAdded[$post->ID] || get_option(‘pod_player_location’) == ” )
    return $content;

    # If there is a post id, grab the enclosures
    if ($post->ID)
    $enclosures = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT meta_id, meta_value FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE post_id = {$post->ID} AND meta_key = ‘enclosure’ ORDER BY meta_id", ARRAY_A);

    # Stop if no enclosures
    if ( $enclosures == ” )
    return $content;

    # For each enclosure
    foreach ($enclosures as $enclosure) {
    # Parse out the enclosure information
    $enclosure_value = explode("n", $enclosure[’meta_value’]);
    $enclosure_itunes = unserialize($enclosure_value[3]);

    # Check if the enclosure is an audio format
    $podcast_player = ( ‘mp3’ == substr(trim($enclosure_value[0]), -3) ) ? true : false;

    # Check if the enclosure is a video format
    $podcast_video_player_formats = array(‘m4v’, ‘mp4’, ‘mov’, ‘flv’);
    $podcast_video_player = ( in_array(substr(trim($enclosure_value[0]), -3), $podcast_video_player_formats) ) ? true : false;

    # Place the player in correct spot on the page
    if ( $podcast_player )
    if ( get_option(‘pod_player_location’) == ‘top’ )
    $content = $this->shortcode(array(‘format’=>’mp3’), trim($enclosure_value[0])) . $content;
    $content .= $this->shortcode(array(‘format’=>’mp3’), trim($enclosure_value[0]));
    elseif ( $podcast_video_player )
    if ( get_option(‘pod_player_location’) == ‘top’ )
    $content = $this->shortcode(array(‘format’=>’video’), trim($enclosure_value[0])) . $content;
    $content .= $this->shortcode(array(‘format’=>’video’), trim($enclosure_value[0]));

    return $content;

    * Checks for the excerpt
    function checkExcerpt($content)
    global $podcasting_excerpt_check;
    $podcasting_excerpt_check = true;
    return $content;


    # Start the player
    $podcasting_player = new PodcastingPlayer();



    Problem fixed now however…

    I’m looking for a program that I can use to have a live radio show with people who can possibly "call in" and talk as well and as well as after the radio show is over save it as a mp3 or some file and upload it into my podcasting plugin in my wordpress site. I’m stressing more the talk show as opposed to music not much will be played but some will be.

    Any suggestions? Obviously I know Chris uses a Mac so I don’t know what would be a good PC version program for me to use.

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