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Home Forums Back End Get The First Image From a Post

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  • #205259

    Hi everyone,

    I jusd read this post:

    I want to reach this goal:

    From what I understand it´s the same as it is mentioned in the post on this site here: WP should “grab” the first image and use it as a preview image.

    I do understand the functions.php part but I don´t understand the second part. Where do I put that code?

    One more thing: What if my theme is being changed? Can that affect this code? (I´m using a child theme already but is it possible that this code isn´t working anymore someday and I have to change all my posts?) After some months this will be a lot of work…



    Hi Alen,

    sorry – I still don´t understand where “Where ever you need to include a thumbnail” is… Is it a php-file?!?

    I want to have it on every blogpost I write…

    Sorry wordpress is still a mystery to me… :-)



    I put the code in my index.php and put the file to my child theme folder. The result is this:

    If you scroll down, the image is there, but on the bottom…


    Sorry I didn´t understand “CodePen” so here is my code:

    <?php get_header(); ?>
    $container_class = ”;
    $timeline_icon_class = ”;
    $post_class = ”;
    $content_css = ‘width:100%’;
    $sidebar_css = ‘display:none’;
    $content_class = ”;
    $sidebar_exists = false;
    $sidebar_left = ”;
    $double_sidebars = false;

    $sidebar_1 = $smof_data['blog_archive_sidebar'];
    $sidebar_2 = $smof_data['blog_archive_sidebar_2'];
    if( $sidebar_1 != 'None' &amp;&amp; $sidebar_2 != 'None' ) {
        $double_sidebars = true;
    if( $sidebar_1 != 'None' ) {
        $sidebar_exists = true;
    } else {
        $sidebar_exists = false;
    if( ! $sidebar_exists ) {
        $content_css = 'width:100%';
        $sidebar_css = 'display:none';
        $content_class= 'full-width';
        $sidebar_exists = false;
    } elseif($smof_data['blog_sidebar_position'] == 'Left') {
        $content_css = 'float:right;';
        $sidebar_css = 'float:left;';
        $sidebar_left = 1;
    } elseif($smof_data['blog_sidebar_position'] == 'Right') {
        $content_css = 'float:left;';
        $sidebar_css = 'float:right;';
        $sidebar_left = 2;
    if($double_sidebars == true) {
        $content_css = 'float:left;';
        $sidebar_css = 'float:left;';
        $sidebar_2_css = 'float:left;';
    } else {
        $sidebar_left = 1;
    <div>" style="&lt;?php echo $content_css; ?&gt;"&gt;
    &lt;?php get_template_part( 'templates/blog', 'layout' ); ?&gt;
    &lt;?php if( $sidebar_exists == true ): ?&gt;
    &lt;?php wp_reset_query(); ?&gt;
        if($sidebar_left == 1) {
        if($sidebar_left == 2) {
    &lt;?php if( $double_sidebars == true ): ?&gt;
        if($sidebar_left == 1) {
        if($sidebar_left == 2) {
    &lt;?php endif; ?&gt;
    &lt;?php endif; ?&gt;

    <?php get_footer();

    // Get the first image from a post (

    if ( get_the_post_thumbnail($post_id) != ” ) {

    echo ‘‘;
    echo ‘

    } else {

    echo ‘‘;
    echo ‘<img src=”‘;
    echo catch_that_image();
    echo ‘” alt=”” />’;
    echo ‘



    I just realized that I only have to paste the code to the right place, but I don´t know where…



    There is s file called “blog-layout.php”

    The content is this:

    * Render the blog layouts
    * @author ThemeFusion
    * @package Avada/Templates
    * @version 1.0


    global $wp_query, $smof_data;

    // Set the correct post container layout classes
    $blog_layout = avada_get_blog_layout();
    $post_class = sprintf( ‘fusion-post-%s’, $blog_layout );
    if ( $blog_layout == ‘grid’ ) {
    $container_class = sprintf( ‘fusion-blog-layout-%s fusion-blog-layout-%s-%s isotope ‘, $blog_layout, $blog_layout, $smof_data[‘blog_grid_columns’] );
    } else {
    $container_class = sprintf( ‘fusion-blog-layout-%s ‘, $blog_layout );

    // Set class for scrolling type
    if ( $smof_data[‘blog_pagination_type’] == ‘Infinite Scroll’ ||
    $smof_data[‘blog_pagination_type’] == ‘load_more_button’
    ) {
    $container_class .= ‘fusion-blog-infinite fusion-posts-container-infinite ‘;
    } else {
    $container_class .= ‘fusion-blog-pagination ‘;

    if ( ! $smof_data[‘featured_images’] ) {
    $container_class .= ‘fusion-blog-no-images ‘;

    // Add the timeline icon
    if ( $blog_layout == ‘timeline’ ) {
    echo ‘

    <i class=”fusion-icon-bubbles”></i>


    if ( is_search() &&
    ) {
    $number_of_pages = ceil( $wp_query->found_posts / $smof_data[‘search_results_per_page’] );
    } else {
    $number_of_pages = $wp_query->max_num_pages;

    echo sprintf( ‘

    ‘, $container_class, $number_of_pages );

    if( $blog_layout == ‘timeline’ ) {
    // Initialize the time stamps for timeline month/year check
    $post_count = 1;
    $prev_post_timestamp = null;
    $prev_post_month = null;
    $prev_post_year = null;
    $first_timeline_loop = false;

    // Add the container that holds the actual timeline line
    echo ‘


    // Start the main loop
    while ( have_posts() ): the_post();
    // Set the time stamps for timeline month/year check
    $alignment_class = ”;
    if( $blog_layout == ‘timeline’ ) {
    $post_timestamp = get_the_time( ‘U’ );
    $post_month = date( ‘n’, $post_timestamp );
    $post_year = get_the_date( ‘o’ );
    $current_date = get_the_date( ‘o-n’ );

    // Set the correct column class for every post
    if( $post_count % 2 ) {
    $alignment_class = ‘fusion-left-column’;
    } else {
    $alignment_class = ‘fusion-right-column’;

    // Set the timeline month label
    if ( $prev_post_month != $post_month ||
    $prev_post_year != $post_year
    ) {

    if( $post_count > 1 ) {
    echo ‘

    echo sprintf( ‘<h3 class=”fusion-timeline-date”>%s</h3>’, get_the_date( $smof_data[‘timeline_date_format’] ) );
    echo ‘


    // Set the has-post-thumbnail if a video is used. This is needed if no featured image is present.
    $thumb_class = ”;
    if ( get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), ‘pyre_video’, true ) ) {
    $thumb_class = ‘ has-post-thumbnail’;

    $post_classes = sprintf( ‘%s %s %s post fusion-clearfix’, $post_class, $alignment_class, $thumb_class );
    post_class( $post_classes );
    $post_classes = ob_get_clean();

    echo sprintf( ‘

    ‘, get_the_ID(), $post_classes );
    // Add an additional wrapper for grid layout border
    if ( $blog_layout == ‘grid’ ) {
    echo ‘


    // Get featured images for all but large-alternate layout
    if ( $smof_data[‘featured_images’] &&
    $blog_layout == ‘large-alternate’
    ) {
    get_template_part( ‘new-slideshow’ );

    // Get the post date and format box for alternate layouts
    if ( $blog_layout == ‘large-alternate’ ||
    $blog_layout == ‘medium-alternate’
    ) {
    echo ‘


    * avada_blog_post_date_adn_format hook
    * @hooked avada_render_blog_post_date – 10 (outputs the HTML for the date box)
    * @hooked avada_render_blog_post_format – 15 (outputs the HTML for the post format box)
    do_action( ‘avada_blog_post_date_and_format’ );

    echo ‘


    // Get featured images for all but large-alternate layout
    if ( $smof_data[‘featured_images’] &&
    $blog_layout != ‘large-alternate’
    ) {
    get_template_part( ‘new-slideshow’ );

    // post-content-wrapper only needed for grid and timeline
    if ( $blog_layout == ‘grid’ ||
    $blog_layout == ‘timeline’
    ) {
    echo ‘


    // Add the circles for timeline layout
    if ( $blog_layout == ‘timeline’ ) {
    echo ‘

    echo ‘


    echo ‘


    // Render the post title
    echo avada_render_post_title( get_the_ID() );

    // Render post meta for grid and timeline layouts
    if ( $blog_layout == ‘grid’ ||
    $blog_layout == ‘timeline’
    ) {
    echo avada_render_post_metadata( ‘grid_timeline’ );

    if ( $smof_data[‘post_meta’] &&
    ( $smof_data[‘excerpt_length_blog’] > 0 || ( ! $smof_data[‘post_meta_author’] || ! $smof_data[‘post_meta_date’] || ! $smof_data[‘post_meta_cats’] || ! $smof_data[‘post_meta_tags’] || ! $smof_data[‘post_meta_comments’] || ! $smof_data[‘post_meta_read’] || $smof_data[‘excerpt_length_blog’] > 0 ) )
    ) {
    echo ‘

    // Render post meta for alternate layouts
    } elseif( $blog_layout == ‘large-alternate’ ||
    $blog_layout == ‘medium-alternate’
    ) {
    echo avada_render_post_metadata( ‘alternate’ );

    echo ‘


    * avada_blog_post_content hook
    * @hooked avada_render_blog_post_content – 10 (outputs the post content wrapped with a container)
    do_action( ‘avada_blog_post_content’ );

    echo ‘


    echo ‘

    ‘; // end post-content

    if( $blog_layout == ‘medium’ ||
    $blog_layout == ‘medium-alternate’
    ) {
    echo ‘


    // Render post meta data according to layout
    if ( $smof_data[‘post_meta’] ) {
    echo ‘

    if ( $blog_layout == ‘grid’ ||
    $blog_layout == ‘timeline’
    ) {
    // Render read more for grid/timeline layouts
    echo ‘

    if ( ! $smof_data[‘post_meta_read’] ) {
    $link_target = ”;
    if( fusion_get_page_option( ‘link_icon_target’, get_the_ID() ) == ‘yes’ ||
    fusion_get_page_option( ‘post_links_target’, get_the_ID() ) == ‘yes’ ) {
    $link_target = ‘ target=”_blank”‘;
    echo sprintf( ‘%s‘, get_permalink(), $link_target, apply_filters( ‘avada_blog_read_more_link’, __( ‘Read More’, ‘Avada’ ) ) );
    echo ‘


    // Render comments for grid/timeline layouts
    echo ‘

    if ( ! $smof_data[‘post_meta_comments’] ) {
    if( ! post_password_required( get_the_ID() ) ) {
    comments_popup_link(‘<i class=”fusion-icon-bubbles”></i> ‘ . __( ‘0’, ‘Avada’ ), ‘<i class=”fusion-icon-bubbles”></i> ‘ . __( ‘1’, ‘Avada’ ), ‘<i class=”fusion-icon-bubbles”></i> ‘ . ‘%’ );
    } else {
    echo sprintf( ‘<i class=”fusion-icon-bubbles”></i> %s’, __( ‘Protected’, ‘Avada’ ) );
    echo ‘

    } else {
    // Render all meta data for medium and large layouts
    if ( $blog_layout == ‘large’ || $blog_layout == ‘medium’ ) {
    echo avada_render_post_metadata( ‘standard’ );

    // Render read more for medium/large and medium/large alternate layouts
    echo ‘

    if ( ! $smof_data[‘post_meta_read’] ) {
    $link_target = ”;
    if( fusion_get_page_option( ‘link_icon_target’, get_the_ID() ) == ‘yes’ ||
    fusion_get_page_option( ‘post_links_target’, get_the_ID() ) == ‘yes’ ) {
    $link_target = ‘ target=”_blank”‘;
    echo sprintf( ‘%s‘, get_permalink(), $link_target, __( ‘Read More’, ‘Avada’ ) );
    echo ‘

    echo ‘

    ‘; // end meta-info
    if ( $blog_layout == ‘grid’ ||
    $blog_layout == ‘timeline’
    ) {
    echo ‘

    ‘; // end post-content-wrapper
    if ( $blog_layout == ‘grid’ ) {
    echo ‘

    ‘; // end post-wrapper
    echo ‘

    ‘; // end post

    // Adjust the timestamp settings for next loop
    if ( $blog_layout == ‘timeline’ ) {
    $prev_post_timestamp = $post_timestamp;
    $prev_post_month = $post_month;
    $prev_post_year = $post_year;
    endwhile; // end have_posts()

    if ( $blog_layout == ‘timeline’ &&
    $post_count > 1
    ) {
    echo ‘

    echo ‘‘; // end posts-container

    // If infinite scroll with “load more” button is used
    if ( $smof_data[‘blog_pagination_type’] == ‘load_more_button’ ) {
    echo sprintf( ‘


    ‘, __( ‘Load More Posts’, ‘Avada’ ) );

    // Get the pagination
    fusion_pagination( $pages = ”, $range = 2 );



    Hi again,

    I managed to show the picture. The only thing that bothers me is, that the image is right over the post. It would be great, if there was a space between image and post:

    How can I do that?

    Just to be sure:
    I put the new code here – is that right?:

            // Set the timeline month label
            if ( $prev_post_month != $post_month || 
                 $prev_post_year != $post_year 
            ) {
                if( $post_count &gt; 1 ) {
                    echo '</div>';
                echo sprintf( '&lt;h3 class="fusion-timeline-date"&gt;%s&lt;/h3&gt;', get_the_date( $smof_data['timeline_date_format'] ) ); 
                echo '<div>';

    // Get the first image from a post (

    if ( get_the_post_thumbnail($post_id) != ” ) {

    echo ‘‘;
    echo ‘

    } else {

    echo ‘‘;
    echo ‘<img src=”‘;
    echo catch_that_image();
    echo ‘” alt=”” />’;
    echo ‘


    // End of first image from a post

        // Set the has-post-thumbnail if a video is used. This is needed if no featured image is present.
        $thumb_class = '';
        if ( get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'pyre_video', true ) ) {
            $thumb_class = ' has-post-thumbnail';

    Hi Alen,

    thanks a lot for your help! It works just fine:


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