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Home Forums JavaScript Opening a thickbox via onclick? Re: Opening a thickbox via onclick?


Ok where definitely getting into the realms of hacking now. Let’s rething the problem. You want users to be able to click anywhere in your td. Thickbox requires an anchor element to work properly. Let’s make the anchor element fill the entire cell. To do this we make the links block elements and give them a height 100% and give the td a height 100% to match.

table#test td {
height: 100%;

table#test td a {
display: block;
height: 100%;

Link Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vel turpis. Donec quam. Nam libero dolor, tincidunt et, sodales et, interdum nec, erat. Integer non nisi quis elit rhoncus tincidunt. Phasellus lacus erat, semper nec, placerat vitae, placerat a, eros. Quisque et tortor. Aenean gravida nisl a sem. Duis ullamcorper risus eu justo. Integer vestibulum. Mauris nulla justo, consectetur ut, auctor ut, lacinia et, velit. Ut vitae eros iaculis urna lacinia elementum. Morbi et velit. Donec sagittis semper nibh. Vestibulum lectus tortor, venenatis at, pharetra ut, mattis at, magna. Mauris vel tortor.
Link 2 Sed laoreet. Nunc ac lacus. Integer tortor tortor, ornare id, ornare in, blandit a, orci. Nunc id nulla quis pede iaculis tempus. Phasellus consectetur luctus velit. Nullam imperdiet lacus ut turpis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque ut turpis a magna tempus volutpat. Aliquam tellus augue, molestie lacinia, varius cursus, auctor ut, velit. Integer et magna vel nibh tempor aliquet. Aliquam erat. Integer dapibus vulputate dui. Duis molestie urna et libero. Mauris auctor sem ac augue. Duis id odio. In consequat turpis. Aenean non augue.

Let me know how that fits into your solution.
