CSS-Tricks August 2008 Newsletter

Video Archives now in Flash!

I have heard from many folks over the past few months that they were unable to watch the Video Screencasts on the web because they were in Quicktime format and they were unable to watch them. Since I offer the screencasts up as a podcast, ultimately they need to be in Quicktime. But now we have the best of both worlds! On the web, the videos are shown in Flash format which nobody should have trouble with, and the podcast is distributed in Quicktime. Direct links to download in Quicktime are also available.

Video Archives now in Flash!

I have heard from many folks over the past few months that they were unable to watch the Video Screencasts on the web because they were in Quicktime format and they were unable to watch them. Since I offer the screencasts up as a podcast, ultimately they need to be in Quicktime. But now we have the best of both worlds! On the web, the videos are shown in Flash format which nobody should have trouble with, and the podcast is distributed in Quicktime. Direct links to download in Quicktime are also available.
