Digging Into WordPress

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Got a little news for y’all. Remember when I announced me and Jeff Starr were looking for a publisher for a book about WordPress? Well, that worked, and we talked a number of different publishers. They were all very nice, but after weighing everything out we decided that when we are done we’ll be self-publishing it as a PDF for now.

Little update here in 2019, 10 years later! Digging Into WordPress still exists and you can still buy it. The domain name is DigWP.com and Jeff Starr runs it entirely himself now.

The book itself isn’t ready yet. It’s going to take us a while to get it all together and ready to go. We are hoping for a late summer or fall release. What is ready though, is the accompanying website/blog: DigWP.com

If you are interested in WordPress, make sure to check it out and pick up the feed. We’re both very excited to have a new outlet for posting stuff specifically about WordPress.

I work with WordPress a ton and have lots of tips and tricks and advice I’d like to share but isn’t always appropriate for CSS-Tricks. All that stuff will now be redirected to DiW.

The book itself will be a more comprehensive and in-depth version of things that end up on the site. Ultimately, buying the book will be buying a lifetime subscription to the PDF, which we intend to keep updated forever.

You can make sure you are the first to know about the book by aadding your email here Long over, of course ;). Users on that list will be notified before it is officially announce and will get an exclusive discount larger than the launch discount will be.

I’m going to turn comments off on this post, to keep any discussion focused on Digging into WordPress over on that site.