When Design Becomes Part of the Code Workflow

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I recently did an experiment where I created the same vector illustration in three different applications, exported the illustration as SVG in each application, then wrote a post comparing the exported code.

While I loved the banter and insights that came in the comments, I was surprised that the bulk of conversation was centered on the file size of the compiled SVG.

I wasn’t surprised because performance and SVG do not go hand-in-hand or that performance isn’t the sort of thing we generally care about in the front-end community. I was surprised because my personal takeaway from the experiment was a reminder that SVG code is code at the end of the day and that the way we create SVG in applications is now more a part of the front-end workflow than perhaps it has been in the past.

I still believe that is the key point from the post and wanted to write a follow-up that not only more clearly articulates it, but also details how we may need to change the way we think about design deliverables for projects that use SVG.

The gap between design and code is getting narrower

We already know this and have extolled the virtues of designers who know how to code. However, what the SVG experiment revealed to me is that those virtues are no longer so much an ideal as much as they are a growing necessity.

If a project calls for SVG and a designer has been tasked with creating illustrations and providing design assets for development, then the designer is no longer handing over a static file, but a snippet of code and, depending on the scope of the project, that code may very well be inlined or injected directly into the HTML document.

Sure, we can intervene and check the code that is provided. We may even run it through a tool like SVGOMG or have automated tasks that help clean and optimize the code before it gets served to production. That is all great, but does not change the fact that what we were delivered in the first place was a piece of code and that there is now an additional consideration in our workflow to code review a design asset.

That’s a significant change. It’s not a bad change or even true in all scenarios, but it is a significant one for no reason more than it requires a change in how we think about, request, and handle design deliverables on a project.

A new era of design etiquette is upon us

I was one of many, many fans of the Photoshop Etiquette site when I learned about it. It not only struck about a dozen nerves that rang true to my own experiences working with other designers on web projects, but forced me to re-examine and improve my own design practices for the benefit of working within teams. Tips like nicely organized layers with a consistent naming convention make a world of difference when a file is handed off from one person to another, much like nicely documented CSS that uses consistent naming conventions and is generous with comments.

SVG makes these tips much more about necessity than etiquette. Again, now that we have a design deliverable that becomes code, the decisions a designer makes—from configuring an artboard to how the layers are grouped and named—all influence how the SVG code is compiled and ultimately used in production.

Perhaps it’s time for an offshoot of Photoshop Etiquette that is more squarely focused on SVG design deliverables using illustration applications.

Applications are super smart, but still need human intervention

My favorite comment from the previous post was a manually coded rendition of the SVG illustration. The code was much cleaner and way more efficient than any of the versions generated by the applications being compared.

Whether or not it was the point of the comment, what I love most about it is how it proves we cannot always take what applications give us for granted. It’s freaking amazing that an application like Sketch can take a series of shapes I draw on a screen and turn them into valid and working code, but is it the best code for the situation? It could be. Then again, the commenter proved that it could be done better if the goal was a smaller file size and more readable code.

All three of the applications I tested are remarkably smart, incredibly useful, and have unique strengths that make each one a legitimate and indispensable tool in anyone’s web development arsenal. The point here is not to distrust them or stay away from using them.

The point is that they are only as smart as the people using them. If we give them bad shapes and disorganized layers, then we can likely expect less-than-optimal code in return. I would go so far as to say that my method for creating the illustration in the experiment likely influenced the final output in all three cases and may not have given the applications the best shot for generating stellar code.

Either way, it took a human reviewing that generated code and optimizing it by hand to make the point.

Wrapping Up

I want to give a big ol’ thanks to everyone who commented on the previous post. What started as a simple personal curiosity became a more nuanced experiment and I was stoked to see it spark healthy debate and insightful ideas. It was those comments and some ensuing offline conversations that made me think deeper about about the the hand-off between design and development which ultimately wound up being the key takeaway from the entire exercise.