CSS-Tricks Chronicle XXIII

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I had the fortune of being a guest on the 1stWebDesigner podcast. Not a new site, but a relatively new podcast. We talked about things like how people tend to want to be told what to use and do rather than considering the situation and a bit about WordPress themes/frameworks and what those things really are.

I have a few conferences coming up that I’ll be at.

Before any of those, I’m taking a trip out to Bend, Oregon to visit my friend and co-founder Tim Sabat. We’re going to work on CodePen and hike the South Sister.

From there I’m going to fly up to Juneau, Alaska to visit some other friends. We’re going to take some tours and camp at the Southeast Alaska State Fair.

David Walsh let me pick out some of my favorite Pens for a guest post on his site last week.

Dave Rupert and I got to be guests over on JavaScript Jabber. Crossover show! We’ve had some of their panelists on ShopTalk in the past as well. We talked a bit about learning, code golf, accessibility, and more.

The conference I was most recently at was CSS Conf in New York. The posted all the videos from it already, including mine.

Someone wrote in saying they couldn’t watch YouTube videos on a mobile device here on CSS-Tricks. I was able to replicate the bug. I made a video, made a reduced test case, posted on various forum threads that had the same issue, and reported directly to both Apple and YouTube. No follow up yet.