Articles by

Zell Liew

JavaScript Scope and Closures

Scopes and closures are important in JavaScript. But, they were confusing for me when I first started. Here’s an explanation of scopes and closures to help you understand what they are.…

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Using Fetch

Whenever we send or retrieve information with JavaScript, we initiate a thing known as an Ajax call. Ajax is a technique to send and retrieve information behind the scenes without needing to refresh the page. It allows browsers to send …

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Gulp for Beginners

Gulp is a tool that helps you out with several tasks when it comes to web development. It’s often used to do front end tasks like:

  • Spinning up a web server
  • Reloading the browser automatically whenever a file is saved
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Build Web Layouts Easily with Susy

Susy provides you with the tools to build your own grid layouts that match the needs of your website. It gives you the freedom and flexibility to build any design that you can imagine. It doesn’t matter if your design …

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