Articles by

Sarah Drasner

DOM Blacksmith, UX Smelter, Code Forger.

On Style Maintenance

I was talking to a brilliant engineer friend the other day who mentioned they never get to build anything from the ground up. Their entire career has consisted of maintaining other people’s (often quite poor) code.

In a perfect world, …

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Web Animation Workshops

Direct Link

I’m thrilled to announce a brand new workshop series I’m starting with Val Head about web animation! We’ll be taking two-day workshop around to different cities starting this November, starting with Austin and New York. Whether you’re a beginner or …

High Performance SVGs

I recently worked on a project that was getting a ton of traffic but users were bouncing because the page load was too long at around 10 seconds. They called me in because the majority of the images on …

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Collaborative Engineering and Design Tools

Working at any large company, the greatest hurdle is always the problem of scale. Be it engineering, design, or how they work together, communication is the key to a successful business. Here are some of the tools that I’ve …