Articles by

Geoff Graham

Read, write, coffee, web, repeat.


The stroke-width property in CSS is for setting the width of a border on SVG shapes.

.module {
  stroke-width: 2;


  • This will override a presentation attribute <path stroke-width="2" ... />
  • This will not override an inline style e.g.
(Updated on )


The stroke property in CSS is for adding a border to SVG shapes.

.module {
  stroke: black;


  • This will override a presentation attribute <path stroke="#fff" ... />
  • This will not override an inline style e.g. <path style="stroke: #fff;"
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The fill property in CSS is for filling in the color of a SVG shape.

.eyeball {
  fill: red;


  • This will override a presentation attribute <path fill="#fff" ... />
  • This will not override an inline style e.g. <path
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The :placeholder-shown pseudo-class selects the input element itself when placeholder text exists in a form input. Think of it as a nice way to distinguish between inputs that are currently showing placeholder text versus those that are not.

input:placeholder-shown {
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Dark Matter

The “Dark Matter Developer” moniker has been floating around for several years. Scott Hanselman introduced the term to describe developers who do not have active online or social personas:

They don’t read a lot of blogs, they never write blogs,