Articles by

Chris Coyier

Founder, writer, designer, spam-deleter, email personality

IEMobile Conditional Comment

Heads up: there is a conditional comment for targeting Internet Explorer on Windows Phone 7 mobile devices. Plus, other random thoughts.

Paginate Custom Post Types

  $temp = $wp_query; 
  $wp_query = null; 
  $wp_query = new WP_Query(); 

  while ($wp_query->have_posts()) : $wp_query->the_post(); 

  <!-- LOOP: Usual Post Template Stuff Here-->

<?php endwhile; ?>

    <?php previous_posts_link('&laquo; Newer') ?>
    <?php next_posts_link('Older &raquo;') ?>

  $wp_query = 
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This has almost nothing to do with web design, but I want to help promote an event going on in Northern Wisconsin put on by some friends of mine: Crivestivus.

They used to hold it just for friends and …

New Poll: Conditional Tags for All Browsers

There is a very low chance this would ever happen, and as far as I know nobody is talking about it seriously. I think it might make for an interesting discussion and poll though:

Do you wish there was conditional

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CSS variables are always a hot topic when “the future of CSS” is discussed. They are actually coming natively, but using them in production (without a CSS preprocessor framework) is a long way off. However there is a feature that …

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Progressively Enhancing HTML5 Forms

This is what I’m thinking is the best current way to progressively enhance forms. That is, use HTML5 features when they are available and fall back to JavaScript alternatives when they are not. …

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SXSW + HTML5 Forms

Direct Link

If you are at SXSW, Kevin Hale and I are talking about HTML5 forms and using them to improve lead generation (and generally how to make your forms better). It’s a 2.5 hour workshop which we intend to be fun, …

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Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Roger Johansson has a neat quick-tip style article on centering page content both vertically and horizontally by making the html element display: table; and the body element display: table-cell; with vertical-align: middle;. See the full code to make it …

Styling Texty Inputs Only

A CSS3 technique for selecting only texty inputs, without the burdon of listing every single attribute selector for every single new HTML5 input type. Plus alternates.