Articles by

Chris Coyier

Founder, writer, designer, spam-deleter, email personality

Web IQ Quiz

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Pretty fun, well designed, interesting quiz. You gotta cough up an email and stuff to play any of the quizzes beyond the first one so you might get some random Windows Phone emails or something, but hey it’s fun.…

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Add/remove contact info fields

User profiles in WordPress have these fields for Contact Info by default: E-mail, Website, AIM, Yahoo IM, Jabber / Google Talk. You can remove those and add new ones as you wish, like in this example code for your functions.php …

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Classy Text Shadows

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Tim Brown from Typekit shares some pretty classy CSS text shadows and drops some painter’s terminology.

The Typekit blog exemplifies an idea I’ve been telling any company I’ve been involved with for years and years. Publish lots of interesting articles …

Everything About Radial Gradients

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John Allsopp with a comprehensive article and updated tool for creating them. Funny how the vast majority of radial gradient examples are super in-your-face eye-seizure colors. I think it’s because the “real world” uses for them are few. Subtle lighting …

Little CSS Stuff Newcomers Get Confused About

Nobody was born understanding CSS. We all struggled our way through the confusion. Good times, good times. Let's think back on those confusing moments, that are probably confusing people as we speak. I'll list some that I remember and you list yours.
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Convert a Menu to a Dropdown for Small Screens

Create a menu that, on smaller screens, changes into a dropdown menu. A dropdown takes up much less screen real estate and can be easier to use. This tutorial shows you how and discusses the ups and downs.
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Identity at Mozilla

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New project from Mozilla team to tackle the long-standing issue of single-signon (not needing a unique login/pass for every single app in the world). I love it when apps have “Sign in with Twitter”, but I’m not sure Twitter should …

The Actual Browser Problems with Unquoted Attributes

There are rules when it comes to leaving your attribute values unquoted in HTML. Then there are the actual problems that are caused by breaking them. Then there are problems that can happen outside of those rules. Yeah it's kinda complicated but I've tried to document it here.
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Test if at least one checkbox is checked

In this example, a submit button is disabled if none of the checkboxes are checked and enabled if at least one is checked.

   <!-- bunch of checkboxes like: -->
   <input type="checkbox" ... >
   <input type="checkbox" ... >

   <!-- submit 

IE 8 Thinks All Table Cells Have a Colspan

IE 8 (only) thinks that all table cells have a colspan attribute, whether they do or not. So if you are looking to style table cells uniquely that have that attribute, it's a bit tough.

Apply Custom CSS to Admin Area

Add to the functions.php file:

add_action('admin_head', 'my_custom_fonts');

function my_custom_fonts() {
  echo '<style>
    body, td, textarea, input, select {
      font-family: "Lucida Grande";
      font-size: 12px;
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